[E] Chapter 13 - County of Toron, Recourse, Opportunity and Problem

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'Inner thoughts'


[Message/communication apparatus]

Date: June 1079

Location: County of Toron, Victoria.

POV: Narrator

Summer, a lovely summer. People argue that June is the zenith of hot temperatures. This hot temperature had been a blessing and a curse but no one can deny that summer is truly a wonderful time on the surface.

For most of Victoria, this is truly a warm summer, especially the closer you're to the equator. This lovely summer month is truly a blessing for the people. The family gathered, schools suspended for holiday, and much more.

For Nyx, personally, summer is a wonderful occasion to keep satiating her bloodlust. Especially when her new physiology made her extremely lethargic in a very cold environment, which only reduced her effectiveness by 30% at the coldest temperature. Summer's monsoon is always a possibility, but such is life.

Ranging from a drizzle into, hopefully, and thankfully not, a deluge of flooding water that might carry originium minerals, thus turning it into catastrophe. That is to say, there are always pros and cons, but we are not here to talk about the weather.

Now she is on the job to meet a particular count from the border. A little informational digging proves wonder to understand the, rumored to be, jolly and affable count. She had also been mindful of how her watchers seemed to be softly guiding her towards her destination, something that made Nyx curious as to whom their allegiance was pledged.

'They're very confident, not to mention having a sufficient amount of personnel to keep up without overextending themselves. Granted I'm alone, but it does show how excellent they're at organizing effective units.' She inwardly noted, that her current watchers are different than the prying gaze of Armorless Union, always looking for a weakness.

'Or they're just that good at befuddling me with their intention.' She is greatly amused by that notion. Nyx has something like an in-built emotional detector, which can be used to gauge other intentions to a degree.

Unless they're perfectly calm like her blunder with Spokesman Seweryn, Nyx can always pry a substantial amount of intent and information. Something that gave her a deadly edge when facing thugs, bandits, outlaws, mercenaries, bounty hunters, and even soldiers.

"Well, focus on the destination." Reminding herself to stop thinking about separate matters while riding her bike, unless, of course, she wanted to arrange a sudden, and rude, appointment with the local pavement. She had already experienced it, suffice to say neither party was pleased with it.

Keeping mum of her mouth and mind then to focus on the road, she can see that Count's territory may not be an affluent one yet pleasant and serene to live in. Greeneries made up of trees and bushes that had been tastefully arranged to appear natural only enhanced her silent ride experience.

People moving about and, to her joyous surprise, several infected can be seen mingling with locals. Of course, some gave them the stink eyes, but at least they could walk without suddenly getting lynched.

This had raised her personal respect and positive rapport with Toron County's ruler and magistrate if nothing else. She is also surprised that this is a bona fide city, like an actual one with a much more sedentary feel, unlike Kazimierz.

When digging for more information about Victoria, Nyx found out that Victorian territory had a much lower chance of catastrophe, so much so to the point it is called Terra' agricultural breadbasket due to how rich it is.

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