[E] Chapter 42 - 1086, Reminiscence, Homecoming.

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'Inner thoughts'


[Message/communication apparatus]

Date: April 1086

Location: Section 3's High-Class Residential Area, Kawalerielki, Kazimierz

POV: Viviana

Walking through the hallway of this residence, I can see several Campaign Knights and security forces milling about, courtesy of my guardian during my stay in Kazimierz. This place is amongst the finest in terms of security and secrecy, but I still need time to conform and acclimatize with this nation. One such thing is how... liberal this mobile city is as an example. Naturally, it was different from how I used to live back in Leithanien.

The day I arrived at the border of Kazimierz was memorable, to say the least, I met the famed Silverlance Pegasus and they embodied the essence of Knighthood that I had always idealized and dreamt of. They carried themselves like the best of the best while maintaining the grace that is expected and befitting of their station.

What's more? I met someone who greeted me so graciously, her name was Nelka Ramona and at first, I thought she was a noble from how graceful, confident, and dazzling her bearing suggested. Imagine my shock that she was a commoner who rose the ladder and thrived most excellently, I daresay she trumped over several of our own.

Kola, Brant, and Mr. Conrad then parted ways with me, I'll admit that I was quite emotional to be separated from people I admire and love as my own Big Brother, Sister, and the newest addition of quirky robotic Uncle. They must return soon else dearest father would be swamped with work and foes who plot ill upon him, while Mr. Conrad is busy with work assigned to him by his lady.

I wish I could help my dearest father but I'm here exactly to ensure that he can do his duty without worrying about my well-being. He was a good man, but if I may be honest; overprotective upon the highest order. He was a real worrywart that I once got angry enough and refused to talk with him due to his nagging just because I fell in the backyard and returned muddy.

He meant well, but I must insist that his nagging was too much!

Anyway, back to Miss Nelka, she once told me that she is a friend of The Grey Serpent, Lady Nyx, who at the moment is predisposed to the situation back home. Miss Nelka's regaled tales of her encounter with her is eerily a 1:1 mirror with one of the books I had read since I came here and yes, Lady Nyx was a writer who hid her identity. There are only a smattering few who know of this fact, and I have no intention to divulge this favorite author of mine who has a special place in my literary corner.

By searching and reading more books, I had managed to pinpoint several of them where the author is her, from her knowledge of bizarre theories and plots, or maybe factual encyclopedia, but the style differed so wildly. No wonder none ever thought it was made by the same person, much less someone of her reputation. It is not unusual for the author to hide their name, most who did are divided between those who seek no fame, plain eccentric... and those who are infected with oripathy.

My heart still aches every time I realize that resplendent and beautiful literary works end up buried due to unjust discrimination. I longed for the day when justice for them, infected and downtrodden in general, would finally rise to illuminate the land. Alas, my dream is juvenile and I have yet to do anything to contribute to it. I did however recall Lady Nyx's words that everything starts with small steps, paraphrased with my understanding of course.

This is why I'm eternally grateful to my adoptive mother; Grandmaster Ioleta Russell, she is the reason that I had been protected and hidden so meticulously. This mansion is one she had prepared for me and all of my expenses had been accounted for, but I can't help but feel guilty with this lavish environment while I'm more or less just imposed on her.

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