twenty one

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It had been a week since I had set Maxwell Huxston free. A week since the American learned the truth about her father. A week since I had learned the truth about my mother.

The American had closed herself off in her room, only coming out accompanied by Nadia who was still refusing to speak to me. Simon had made a miraculous recovery, even joining me for dinner last night. Although he spent much of it trying to convince me to let him go to another shipment, which wasn't happening anytime soon.

I had focused all my efforts on tracking down Huxston, accusing him as the one behind my mother's death for many years. Learning the truth of what really happened to her was like reliving her death all over again. It ate at me. Ate at all the walls of hatred I had built up in my heart against Huxston. His admission had sent all my bricks tumbling down. Now I had to slowly rebuild all them back up if I wanted the real killer to pay.

I currently have the upper hand on Ivan, but I don't know for how long. Ivan has no idea that I know the truth now. That he had lied to me, lied to my father for all these years. He had been the one at the forefront, pushing me to exact my revenge on Huxston. It had been his idea to kidnap the American and kill her in front of her father. He thought his secret would die with Huxston, that I would never learn the truth about my mother. Well I now I do and I plan to gut him for it.

Ivan had gone into hiding after the orchestrated hijacking of my trade deal the other night. No one had seen or heard from him and his family since. He thinks he's safe under Vlad's protection. Unfortunately for him I plan to rip Vlad's organization apart by the seams. There will be nothing left for Ivan to cower under.

I am sitting in my office at the Belaya Roza. The office is located in an upstairs space above the club, it's also where my headquarters is located. It's midafternoon, the sun streaming in through the window behind me.

I had called for a private meeting with Maks and Leo. They were sitting in identical chairs in front of me, exchanging nervous glances. I hadn't said much since the night that I had held Huxston and the American captive. I had stayed in my office most days, nursing a bottle of a whiskey and thinking of unimaginable ways to kill Ivan. The only other person who knows the truth is the American. I am assuming she hasn't said anything to Nadia or Simon, or they would be breathing down my neck wanting to know my next move.

I think Maks and Leo see me as a ticking time bomb, liable to explode at any given moment. They've given me space, sensing that I am going through something. But it was time for me to stop sulking and tell them the truth.

"You okay boss?" Maks asks, a hint of concern in his voice.

I'm sitting behind the large oak desk, hands clasped over my stomach. I realize I have been staring out the window for a while now and the men were beginning to think I had checked out.

"I learned some new information the other night." They both exchange a look.

"Something we need to take care of?" Leo asks.

"Ivan." They both tense at the mention of the fucking traitor's name. "He killed my mother, not Huxston." I finish. They both look like they could douse Ivan in gasoline and set him aflame right this moment.

"What do you want us to do boss?" Leo says. His blue eyes flashing.

I'm not toying with him anymore. Learning of his partnership with Vlad was reason enough to take him out.  I had wanted to play my cards and see him fold, but I was over that. I wanted to make him pay.

"I'm ordering the kill." I say, finality in my voice. Leo and Maks both have that blood thirsty look in their eyes.

Their loyalty to me runs deep. They have been my hired hands, doing all my dirty work for years. Both meticulous and deadly, with a body count neither of them would be privy to offer up. That's what makes them the deadliest fuckers in the city and makes me fortunate to have their trust.

I stand up, a newfound energy flowing through me. I place my hands on my hips, looking back out the window at the crystals sparkling off the sunlight skyscrapers.

"Ivan believes he is under Vlad's protection, but we both know Vlad's only concern is covering his own ass. He will throw Ivan to the wolves the first chance he gets. It's me who Vlad really wants." I say clenching my jaw.

"Ivan's gone into hiding. It's highly improbable that you will be able to lure him out. He's always been a coward." I turn back to face both men. "It's likely that he hasn't gone far. He probably thinks staying close to Vlad will keep him safer. I have scouts all over the city scoping out possible hiding spots, but no luck yet." I walk over to my mini bar and pull out three glasses. I pour the three of us a glass of whiskey, handing them to both men.

"He will have to show his face eventually. And when he does, we will be waiting." Leo says, taking sip of the amber liquid.

"Mhm, yes of course, but our efforts cannot be hasty. We can't underestimate them."

"I'm not scared of Ivan." Maks scoffs. "He's a fucking coward."

"It's not Ivan I'm worried about."

"You mean Vlad?" Leo's asks.

"The last time someone tried to go up against him, their whole organization was decimated. I can't afford to go down like that."

"So how are we going to get to Ivan if he's always under Vlad's watchful eye?" Maks quips.

"I haven't figured that part out yet." I run my hand down my face, feeling exhaustion tug at my rationale.

"You should get some rest boss. You're overworking yourself." Leo chides.

"I'll rest when the pieces of Ivan are scattered around Moscow and the ashes of Vlad's empire is at my feet."

A Treacherous King- Dark Mafia Romance Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt