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Kroliki Nory...The Rabbits Burrow. That's the location Ilya said to meet at. Caine says it's a old hiking trail that had been deemed it unsafe after a landslide. No one ventures out that far anymore, the location essentially deserted. Caine doesn't seem too happy about the meeting spot. His jaw is clenched, his shoulders taut as he gets ready. He's standing in the mirror buttoning up his shirt when I put my arms around him.

"You nervous?" I ask, our gazes locking in the mirror.

"No." He says, turning around to face me. I reach up and push his hand away, threading the buttons through the holes on his shirt. I can feel his heated gaze on my face as he looks down at me.

"Are you?" He asks pushing a lock of hair behind my ear.

I release a breath, my chest aching slightly. "A little." I admit.

"You haven't changed your mind about him have you?" He says sternly.

I meet his gaze and shake my head. "No." I say with more confidence.

"I hope you're right, then." He says, stepping around me and going back into his room.

"I thought you said you trusted me?" I lean against the doorframe of his closet as he digs through black suit jackets that all look identical.

"I do." He says, not looking at me.

"Then why are you being distant?" I demand.

He turns to me, his face softening a bit. "I don't mean to be distant. I just want my head clear tonight." He says, walking over to me. He cups my face in his strong hands and I lean into his touch. "I have the tendency to make a fool of myself when it comes to you. You have control of my sanity little rabbit." He coos. His eyes are darkened, a sincerity in them that I haven't seen before.

The immense amount of emotions flowing through me are almost enough to make me change my mind. To tell him not to go. To tell him to stay here with me and never leave my side. I want to tell him that he's my sanity and that warm seeping feeling that surrounds my heart when he's around, is starting to feel like something more than lust.

I want to tell him that I love him and the thought of losing him would kill me. I want to tell him that I don't want to go back to the city where I don't really belong, the city where the father that I don't really know is. But I can't. Not tonight at least. I don't want him to think he has to say it back just because he may or may not be in danger tonight. When I say it, I want to be safely in his arms without the fear of war looming over us like a dark a cloud.

So I do the next best thing. I stretch up on my toes and kiss him. He kisses me back, his lips ravishing mine. I hesitant at the urgency of his kiss. I don't like that he's kissing me like this might be the last time but I don't dare relent.

"You ready boss?" Leo's voice sounds from down the hall. Caine and I break apart, both breathless. He still holds my face in his hands, our gazes locked, his minty breath tickling my face. He pulls back, his chest heaving as hard as mine is.

I know he has to go but I don't release my hold on him, not until I have to. He leads me across the landing and down the stairs. Leo and Maks are shuffling around in the garage. They're loading the cars down with duffel bags filled with weapons when we walk in. Both are armed to the teeth, bullet proof vests strapped around them, guns and knives sticking out of holsters and sheaths.

I watch as Caine straps his 9 mm to his hip and sheathes a knife under his pant leg. When they're done, Caine strides over to me and I reach for him. He kisses me lightly, his lips caress softly over mine.

"Please be careful." I breathe. He rests his forehead against mine. "I'm giving you full control of your sanity tonight." He smiles, huffing out a laugh.

Leo and Maks clear their throats behind us. "Uh, sorry to interrupt, but we're already cutting it close boss." Maks says. A pounding has started in my ears, it only increases when he pulls away. I feel cold, instantly feeling the loss of Caine's warmth.

"I'll see you in two hours." Caine says, eyes searching mine. I nod and watch as he cranks his Maserati and pulls out of the driveway.

Two hours. I chant in my head. Two hours and I can breathe properly again.

A Treacherous King- Dark Mafia Romance Where stories live. Discover now