twenty two

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Author's Note:

I have seen several negative comments about this chapter. First, I want to note that this story is classified as dark romance. I wrote the story with the intent of it being dark and having scenes that weren't conventional for an adult romance. It's obvious some of you are not experienced with the dark romance genre. If you read this part of the story and find it "disgusting" or believe it "ruins the story," maybe dark romance isn't for you and you shouldn't continue with the story. I have read several published dark romances with scenes similar to this so I honestly thought nothing of it. I will not put any more comments throughout the story so this is your final warning!!! If you are not a dark romance reader, do not proceed!!!

I have slept more in the past week than I have slept my entire life.

I can't seem to pull myself out of bed. Nothing interests me. Not reading, or eating, or taking walks out in the garden with Nadia. I can't even find humor in Simon's stupid jokes.

I'm unable to fill in the hole that was left in my heart the night I found out Huxston was my father. Even worse, it was the same night that he had walked out on me and left me with Caine.

I hadn't even really grasped the idea of having an actual father, before it was rudely jerked right out from underneath me. I feel robbed. Like this big shiny piece of life was presented to me and then some asshole comes along with a sledgehammer and smashes it into a thousand tiny pieces. That someone being Caine.

He was right that night in the garden, he was a wolf. A selfish predator only worried about his next kill. If he would have pursued Huxston sooner and learned the truth about Ivan, I would have never been dragged into this mess. It's him that made me into a target and I hate him for it.

What he has put me through in the weeks that I've been here is inexcusable. I hate him more for the fact that he hasn't even attempted to apologize for any of it. He seems to be avoiding me as much as I am avoiding him.

I haven't told anyone about what happened the night that he took Huxston. Not even Nadia. She senses something happened, but after I just refused to talk about it, she eventually dropped it.

I think it best if I just stay out of the way and wait until the whole deal with this Vlad dude blows over. Then I can go back to my life in Chicago.

Or could I?

Would a job as Huxston's assistant still be an option if I chose to go back? He had kept his paternity a secret for years. Would he even want me to work for him once I returned to the city, or did that opportunity end the moment I found out he was my father? I wasn't even sure if I wanted a relationship with him. He did leave me in the care of the devil after all.

I had so much shit to think about it was really starting to wear on my sanity. Maybe I would benefit more if I did chose to let Nadia in on my troubles instead of pushing her away. Maybe if I just told her the truth about what happened that night, it would help me figure out things.

If only she were here tonight. Ever since Simon recovered, they had been staying at their own house. They both were here a lot during the day, but as soon as night fell I was alone.

It's now midnight. I had spent all day laying in bed staring at the ceiling. Nadia tried to get me to come down for breakfast but I refused. Then again for lunch, but I turned her away then too. She had left a bowl of soup for me for dinner, but I hadn't touched it. I didn't have an appetite, but more importantly I didn't want to run into Caine.

I'm laying on my side trying and failing to fall asleep when I hear a pair of voices coming up the stairs.

At first I believe it to be Nadia and Simon, but I realize that the voices don't match theirs. The voices get closer and I immediately recognize the deep husky voice of Caine, followed by a shrill feminine voice. The woman is giggling uncontrollably as Caine says something apparently humorous. I can't imagine him making a joke or intentionally trying to make someone laugh.

The voices pass by the door but linger out in the hallway. I don't know why I find myself being drawn to the door. I'm suddenly pressing my ear to it trying to hear more clearly.

They're still talking but being this close to the door makes it sound muffled. Before I talk myself out of it, I ease my bedroom door open and peek out through the narrow crack.

The lights from the foyer carry up and out into the hallway. Only certain spots of it are coated in darkness, the rest is lit up in a hazy light.

I can see two figures pressed up against the wall. I know without a doubt the man is Caine. His broad shoulders are hunched, his languid hands are cupping the woman's face as they engage in a passionate kiss.

The woman reaches up and tries to run her hands through his hair but he grabs them before she can and pins them against the wall above her head. She gasps as he trails kisses down her face and neck.

When he lowers his head I am able to see around the shadows and see the woman he has pinned up against the wall.

At first I believe the woman to be Nicoletta. My breathe hitches in my throat. Why the fuck would he be engaging in a passionate affair with the daughter of the man who murdered his mother? Is this all part of some sick plot to exact revenge on Ivan, by fucking his daughter against a wall? But then the woman opens her eyes and I can clearly see it's not Nicoletta.

Even with the bit of relief of realizing that the woman he has pinned to the wall isn't Nicoletta, my stomach still seems to twist into a million tiny knots. The woman's long blonde hair cascades down her back as she throws her head back in pleasure. Her eyes fluttering as Caine trails his lips down her body. He grabs her breast in his large hand and she moans loudly.

I know that this is sick and perverse for me to be standing in the doorway watching them but I just can't seem to pry my eyes away.

He lets her go and steps back, grabbing her forearms and lowering her to the ground while he towers over her. He presses his back against the wall as the woman unzips his pants and pulls his cock out.

She wraps her lips around him and starts sucking him. She expertly switches between moving her mouth up and down his shaft to stroking him with her hand.

An unsettling sensation fills in the pit of my stomach. My jaw locks, and I notice I'm breathing quite heavy. I can't explain how watching him like this, with someone fills me with irritation, it just does.

Just when I'm about to ease the door shut, I go stone still. I don't know if it's the trick of the light or if I'm maybe imagining things but I swear Caine's eyes are on mine.

The hallway is cascaded in darkness and the chance of him seeing me is unlikely, but I feel him watching me.

A shiver shoot's up my spine, my lips parting. He groans, a deep sensual sound that has me widening my eyes. The woman must sense he's on the verge of orgasming because she starts stroking him faster.

His gaze still locked on mine, he lets out a strangled groan, coming in her mouth.

His chest is heaving and his eyes are still on mine and I feel like crawling right out of my own skin.

I gasp, unable to contain the onslaught of feelings lodged in my throat. I slam the door closed and press my back into it, trying to slow my erratic heart rate. What the fuck just happened?

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