forty seven

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I can't stop touching Caine and crying. I can't will the tears to stop flowing. I know he's okay but the fear that things could have gone very differently makes my blood run cold. He helps me into his car, and I eventually let him go long enough for him to help load the bodies into the back of the SUV's.

Ilya was planning to present Vlad's body to his men where they would eventually have a proper funeral and Ilya would take over as the new leader of the Bratva. I'm not sure what they planned to do with Ivan and Alexei, but I had no doubt that Nadia would ensure that Alexei had a proper funeral.

I look over to where Alexei's limp form is lying on the grass. Nadia is kneeled over him, his hand clutched in her's. A silent sob escapes me as I watch Maks pry her from Alexei. He then lifts her into his arms like she weighs nothing and carries her to a waiting car.

I want to be with her, to be there for her and console her, but I know she needs time to herself and I don't think I could force myself out of this seat even if I had to.

My head is pounding and my eyes are so heavy it's getting harder and harder to keep them open. My vision grows weaker until eventually I can't fight off the darkness. I welcome it with open arms.

I awake in a bed. The coolness of the silky sheets feels nice against my heated skin. When my eyes flutter open I can see the sunlight framing Caine's body. He's looking down at me with concern etched into features.

"Maeve." He says soothingly. "How are you feeling?" He scoots closer to me on the bed and I ease myself up into a sitting position.

"I feel okay. Just a little weak." I answer honestly. My fingers reach up and trail over my forehead, feeling a row of stitches there.

"Your cut was pretty deep. Igor had to stitch you up while you were unconscious." He says, a bit of edge to his voice.

I only now notice his upper right arm and shoulder are wrapped in bandages.

"Do you need any pain medication?" He asks me, cupping my cheek with his warm hand.

"No, but you should rest. Your arm..."

"It's just a scratch." He waves off my concern. I give him a knowing look. He cracks a half smile.

"I'm serious. The bullet went clean through."

"You're lucky." I whisper.

"So lucky." He pulls me into his strong arms and holds me against his chest. "I thought I was going to lose you." He whispers into my hair.

"But you didn't. Not now, not ever. You're kind of stuck with me Morozov."

"Then I am the luckiest man in Moscow." He chuckles.

After I take a warm bath and scrub the filth and grime from the night before away. I ask Caine if I can go visit Nadia. He reluctantly agrees, even though he insists on accompanying me for fear that I might faint again. I assure him I'm fine and we drive a short distance to a residential neighborhood where Nadia and Simon's family home is located. I don't know why this surprises me but it does. I guess I was thinking everyone involved in the Bratva business would have their home in a more secluded location, much like Caine's.

The Mirsky's house is a two story stone structure with hedges framing the front. We pull into the horseshoe drive and Yuri, Caine's driver, comes around to open the door for us. We walk up the stone steps and Caine knocks once before an elderly lady ushers us inside.

"Glad to see you two about." Simon appears in the foyer, looking as suave as ever. Although his clean look doesn't hide the dark circles under his eyes. I know he'a just as worried about Nadia as I am.

A Treacherous King- Dark Mafia Romance Where stories live. Discover now