thirty eight

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I awake the next morning to find a morning after pill, a glass of orange juice and a freshly plucked rose on the nightstand.

Caine is gone, most likely tending to some kind of business, but I can't ignore the pang of disappointment I feel at not waking to feel him pressed against me.

I stare at the morning after pill, my stomach making odd flips in response. I know it would be senseless for me to refuse to take the pill with the chance of me getting pregnant, but something about taking it just feels wrong. I don't regret anything that happened between Caine and I last night, but I do regret Caine not wearing a condom. No matter how good it felt without the barrier between us.

I reach over and grab the pill and quickly down it with the orange juice before I change my mind. I pick the rose up and bring it to my nose, inhaling the sweet smell. I loved how thoughtful Caine could be. I loved that under all that tough mafia boss exterior, was someone that could be sweet.

I had dated a few guys back in the city. The relationships only lasting for a few weeks at a time. None of them were the gifting kind, they paid for dinner, and bought me drinks at the bar, but none of them had ever been thoughtful enough to bring me something as conventional as flowers. I suppose that's why I reacted the way I did about the necklace Caine had gifted me last night. A small gesture to him, meant everything to me.

I pull the sheets off of me and go over to Caine's huge walk-in closet. His perfectly tailored suits line the walls, along with his sleek shoes on shelves and drawers of different patterned ties. I pull one of the drawers open and find a stack of perfectly folded black t-shirts. The shirt smells fresh, like laundry detergent with a faint smell of Caine's cologne. I pull it over my head and go out into the hallway towards my room. I was in dire need of a shower.

"There you are!" Nadia's voice sounds down the hall. I nearly jump out of my skin, my face flaming. I was all too aware of how bad this looked. Me walking out of Caine's room in his shirt and probably looking thoroughly fucked.

"Nadia. What are you doing here?" I squeak.

"I came by to check on you. You and Caine stormed out of the gala last night. I just wanted to make sure you two hadn't murdered each other." She pauses. "But by the looks of it..." She looks me up and down, assessing me. "You two were up to something else."

"Nadia, I can explain." I start, but Nadia releases a high pitched squeal.

"Why didn't you tell me you were sleeping with Caine?" She rushes at me, grabbing my hands.

" just happened last night." I stammer.

"I wondered how long it would take you two to realize you wanted each other. You could cut the sexual tension with a knife."

I sigh. "Nadia, please don't say anything. This is all new and I'm not sure how I feel about it yet." I admit.

"What do you mean?" She asks, her dark brows drawing up.

"I mean, what Caine and I have it's not exactly conventional. He...well he kidnapped me and kept me hostage,
then almost killed me. It's not exactly a fairytale." Things with Caine seemed to have moved so fast, I hadn't really taken the time to obsess over the logistics of whatever was going on between us.

"Caine is not an easy person to love, but I see the way you look at him and the way he looks at you in return. That shared emotion is something to be envied." Nadia smiles, but the usual brightness of it seems to be dimmed slightly.

A Treacherous King- Dark Mafia Romance Where stories live. Discover now