twenty five

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I am so turned. My cock strains against my pants almost painfully. The image of the American's soaked panties has me fisting my cock through the material of my pants.

I had every mind to storm up the stairs and fling her door open. To pull her out of the bed and fuck her senseless until she wished for nothing else but the sensation of me inside of her.

But instead, I pass by her door without a second glance and go into my bedroom. I turn the shower on and stand under a hot stream of water while I stroke my cock to the memory of her full pink lips gasping, her chestnut colored irises fluttering as I ran my finger over her wet heat. I come with a deep groan, my body shaking. I finish showering and after drying myself off, I get in bed fully naked.

I didn't want to admit my attraction to her in the beginning. She was supposed to be the enemy and although the circumstances have changed, she's still off limits.

I am meant to protect her. I owed her that.

There shouldn't be anything else to it. There shouldn't be sexual tension, no heated moments, no fantasies. Except there were and I didn't know how to feel about it. The only thing I did know was the temptation to bury myself in her sweet pussy was becoming all too overpowering.

She tested my limits, pushed the demented parts of me to the surface. I didn't know if I should be worried, or impressed. She was not at all what I had expected. She was smart and tactical, she knew how to hold her own in the face of distress.

Most people would have crumbled at the first sign of a threat, but not her. She swallowed her fear and chose to fight back. Even facing off with me she had proved to be relentless. I had cornered her more than once, but instead of cowering, she kept coming back for more. It seemed her crazy and my crazy always met halfway. 

Nevertheless, after this war with Ivan and Vlad ended, she would be free to go. She would move back to Chicago and resume the life she had before I had blundered into it. The thought of never seeing her again shouldn't send a flash of pain to my heart, but it does.


The next morning I awake to the sound of my phone buzzing from a text message. Rolling over, I grab the phone from the nightstand and have to blink twice at the name on the screen.


He had texted asking to meet me somewhere in private. I obviously should be on guard. Ivan and his family had been in hiding for several days now. Leo and Maks had scoured the city looking for possible hideouts but had come up empty handed.

Knowing Ivan, he was probably hiding out on some island off the coast. Somewhere luxurious to meet the needs of his wife and Nicoletta. Seeing the text from Alexei piqued my interest. I immediately texted him back arranging a private meeting with him at Roshcha.

An hour later, I was sitting behind my small desk, my jaw ticking anxiously. I had arranged for Alexei to meet me here at Roshcha at 10. a.m. Roshcha used to be a secret warehouse in the middle of the city. It was one of many buildings that held my supply. Guns, ammunition, and other military grade weapons.

Although when the news came out of Ivan's betrayal, I immediately transferred all my supplies to another warehouse in a neighboring city. Roshcha was now abandoned, the only thing remaining was the dust covered furniture in the small office space.

Someone knocks at the door. I straighten my spine, my 9 mm resting on my thigh.

"Come in."

One of my men enters into the room, Alexei following closely behind. I motion for him to take a seat in one of the chairs in front of me. The enforcer that had brought him in nods at me, before easing the door shut.

A Treacherous King- Dark Mafia Romance Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon