Chapter 1

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The year was 2011. Emmaline (Em) Thompson was sitting in a doctors office waiting room. She was still trying to wrap her head around why she was there. It all started five months ago...

It was the beginning of April. Em was moving into the house she was renting. She was twenty-eight with dark blue eyes and long chestnut brown hair. She was alone and had stacked three boxes on top of each other. The top box fell off.

"Fuck." She said frustrated.

"Here." A young man said. He picked it up.

"Thank you." They went into the house and put the boxes down.

"I'm Sam." "I live across the street."

"I'm Em."

"Moving here with your family?"

"Nope, I got divorced three months ago."


"It's ok."

"Where did you move from?"


"How old are you?" 


"I would've guessed twenty-two tops."

"Aren't you a little young to be flirting with me?

"I'm eighteen."

"Shouldn't you be in school right now then?"

"I'm on spring break for the next two weeks."

"Well thanks again for your help."

"You're welcome."

Two days later after work Em was unpacking some boxes in the living room. There was a knock at the door. When she answered it Sam was standing there.

"Hi." She said.

"Hi." "Need any help unpacking?"

"Wouldn't you rather be with your friends?"

"That's where I just came from."

"Come in." He went inside.

They were hanging up framed pictures on the living room wall.

"These are cool." He said. "Where did you get them?"

"I took them myself." "I'm a photographer for a magazine."

"You took these?" "That's awesome."

An hour later they were sitting on the couch taking a break.

"Is Em short for anything?" He asked.


"I like it." "It's beautiful."

"There you go flirting again."

"I think you might like it."

She rolled her eyes and held back a smile. "No."

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