Chapter 2

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Over the next three days Em had settled into her home. Even if it was outside she and Sam spoke at least once a day. Em had just come home from work. She got out of the car. When she did she and Sam spotted each other and waved. She went inside.

An hour after being home and making dinner for herself she was sitting on the couch. Her phone rang.

"Hello?" She said.

"Hi." Her best friend Heather from Athens said. They had been neighbors there.


"How's the move going?"

"Good." "Everything is almost unpacked."

"Any dating prospects?"

"None." "The only person to show interest in me so far, is my eighteen year old neighbor." "I think he has a crush on me." "It's kind of cute."

"What's his name?"


The next afternoon Em was laying out on a chair by her pool in the backyard. Her eyes were closed. Sam came to the wooden gate that led into Em's backyard. He could see her over the fence. She had on a light red string bikini.

"Fuck she's gorgeous. He thought.

He knocked on the fence. She looked over.

"Hi Sam." She said.

"Hi." "Want me to mow the grass?"

"I don't have a lawn mower."

"I have one."

"How much do you want?"

"How much what do I want?"


"None." "I just want to help you."


Twenty minutes later Em went back inside because she was starting to burn. She decided to unpack the last of her knickknacks. As she was doing that she could see Sam through the window mowing the front yard. His shirt was off and he was sweaty. She looked for about ten seconds before looking away.

"What the hell am I doing? She thought. "He is attractive though."

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