Chapter 17

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For her Christmas break Em had put Samantha on a plane to Atlanta. Sam met her at the airport. They were having a great time together. It was two days before Christmas. Tomorrow Em was going to Atlanta so she could spend Christmas with Samantha. They were both coming back on a flight January 2nd.

Since she wasn't going to be there Christmas Day, Em and Lucas were exchanging gifts right now. She gave him a brand new toolset. She'd just opened her gift. It was a gold heart-shaped diamond necklace.

"You saw me looking at this in the store didn't you?" Em said.

"Yeah." "I called and asked them to hold it."

"Thank you." "I love it."

"You're welcome." They kissed. "What would you think about adopting a baby."

"Let's check into it after the New Year."

He smiled. "Ok." "I wish I could get you pregnant."

"Sweetie you know I don't care about that." "I love you."

"I know but I would love to have a child with you."

"Well we'll adopt one and love it like our own."

The next afternoon Em pulled into Sam's driveway. It was snowy and cold. She knocked on the door. He answered it quickly. She went inside.

"Jesus it's cold out there." She took off her jacket.

"Mom." Samantha said happily coming up to her.

"Hi." They hugged. "Have you been having fun?"

"Yeah." "Mom, dad has a wrestling ring in his basement." "He's been teaching me stuff."

"She's a natural." Sam said.

Later that night they watched Christmas movies. After Samantha went to bed, Em and Sam were sitting on the floor wrapping presents.

"Samantha will love her new bike." Em said.

"I know." "That's a pretty necklace."

"Thanks." "It was a Christmas present from Lucas."

"How did you meet him?""

"When Samantha was three she had a really bad ear infection and 104 temperature." "I called 911." "Lucas was one of the paramedics who came." "When we were leaving the hospital he asked for my number."

"I'm surprised you never had any other kids."

"Lucas can't." "It's a medical issue." "We're considering adopting."

The next morning Samantha got a lot of presents. What she loved the most was her bike. They were cleaning up the wrapping paper.

"Mom, there's one more present." Samantha said. "It says it's for you."

"Who is it from?"

"It doesn't say."

Em opened it. It was a brand new state of the art camera." "Sam." "What did you do?"

"What?" "I didn't buy it."

"Then who did?"

"Maybe Santa brought it."

"Well it's very nice." "I appreciate it."

In the next few days Em went around the city taking pictures. It made her realize how much she missed America.

It was New Years Eve. Em was celebrating with Samantha and Sam. It was eight o'clock at night.

"Were you guys ever in love?"" Samantha asked. Em and Sam looked at each other.

"Yes." Sam said. "I loved your mom very much."

"I loved your dad to."

Samantha looked at Em. "You told me you broke up with dad because of your age difference." "How big is it?"

"Ten years." "When we met I was twenty-eight and he was eighteen."

"I was still in high school when we met." Sam said. "I liked your mom right away."

"Did you want to marry her?" Samantha asked.

"If I would've known about you I would've proposed to her as soon as she told me."

Samantha fell asleep at around ten. Sam put her to bed.

Em and Sam were sitting on the couch. The ball just dropped.

"Happy New Year." She said.

"Happy New Year." "Thank you for telling me about Samantha." "Having her in my life is something I never knew I needed."

"You're great with her."

"I love her so much."

"I know."

"The only person I've ever loved more, is you."

"I have to go."

"I love you."

"Sam, please don't do this to me."

"I do."

"I'm married Sam."

"Tell me you don't love me then."

"Of course I love you, that's why it hurts so much to tell you I can't be with you." She said with tears streaming down her cheeks. "I've made a commitment to someone, I love him." "He's good to us." "I've made choices that mean something." "Time can't just reverse because you're back."

"Just one more night." They kissed. He laid her down on the couch underneath him. He took a condom out of his back pocket. They quickly undressed each other. He slipped inside her. "Ohhh." They both moaned when he did. He started to move. Over the next hour and half they never wanted to stop. They kissed. "Tell me baby." He said breathlessly. "I love you." She said. "I love you too." "Oh Sam, oh yes, oh my... "God." They both moaned at the same time giving in. They kissed.

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