Chapter 18

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It was the middle of March. Em and Lucas had just completed and sent in the adoption application. Em hadn't been feeling well lately. She was sitting up in bed. Lucas ran the thermometer across her forehead.

"102.2." Lucas said. "You're staying home."

"I have a deadline Lucas."

"They'll understand." "You're sick." "I'll get Sammy off to school." "I'll take care of her when she gets home, I'll make dinner." "You just stay here and rest." "Want me to make you some breakfast before I get ready for work?"

"No, I'm nauseous."

"My poor baby." "I think you might have the flu."

A half hour after Lucas and Samantha left for work and school, Em had just come out of the bathroom after throwing up. She went to the drugstore and bought three different pregnancy tests. She was driving home.

"I'm not pregnant, I'm not pregnant." She thought. "This is just a precaution." "Please don't let me be pregnant." "If I am I know the father isn't Lucas." "Why did I sleep with Sam?"

Em took all three tests and was waiting on the results. She went into the bathroom. All three tests were on the sink. She looked each of them. Each one was positive.

"No." She said out loud starting to cry. She got her phone and dialed Sam's number.

"Hello?" He said tiredly. She forgot it was three in the morning in the US.

"Oh right, it's still night time there." "I'll call you back."

"No." "What's wrong?"

"I'm pregnant Sam." "I know it's yours."

"How?" "We used a condom."

"I know."

"Please keep it, please."

"I'm going to." "What am I gonna tell Lucas?"

"Well honestly I'd like you to tell him." "I want a divorce, I want to be with Sam."

"I'm serious Sam."

"So am I." "We're supposed to be together Em." "You know we are."

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