Chapter 4

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Em had went to the store and bought a brand new computer desk. Now she had the task of putting it together. She sat down on the floor and used a box cutter to start opening it. She got a text. It read.

What are you doing Em? I'm bored. - Sam

I'm putting together a computer desk. - Em

Thirty seconds later there was a knock at her front door. She got up and answered it. Sam was standing there.

"I'm here to help you." He said. He went inside.

They had the whole thing done in an hour and a half.

"Do you like spaghetti?" She asked.

"Yes." "Why?"

"That's what I'm making for dinner." "Would you like to stay?"


They were at the table eating.

"This is really good." He said.

"Thanks." "I haven't had a dinner guest in a long time." "Do you graduate this year?"

"In June."

"Do you know what you want to do yet?"

"I want to be a professional skateboarder." "I've also thought about being a professional wrestler." "I don't know about that one though."

"Why not?"

"Most wrestlers are really big." "I'm not."

"That doesn't mean you can't do it." "As long as you work hard, you can do anything." "I first started off as a photographer when I was your age." "Before I got noticed, I got nothing but rejected for three years." "It was frustrating but worth it."

"I've been wondering, are you named after anyone." "Your name is very unique."

"Actually yes." "My great-great grandmother." "My mom always liked the name." "I used to get picked on for it when I was in grade school." "I started going by Em when I was ten years old."

"You should still go by your full name."

"You're one to talk, Samuel."

He laughed.

She walked him to the door.

"Thanks for helping me." She said.

"You're welcome."

"Don't you get tired of hanging out with your old lady neighbor?"

"You're not old." "You're a gorgeous, sexy woman."

"Stop flirting with me and go home."


"Bye." He left. "Why can't he be five years older?" She thought.

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