Chapter 3

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Em and Sam had exchanged numbers in case she wanted her lawn mowed again. Since then they were talking a lot but not about mowing the lawn. To Em it felt nice to have someone to talk to. Since all of her friends back home were married couples, she felt like she couldn't relate to them anymore. She was on her lunch break and got a text. It read.

How's work going? – Sam

Good. What are you up to? -Em

I'm just at the skate park. – Sam

The next night Em was driving home from being on assignment all day. It was dusk. As she was driving down the road she spotted Sam skating down it. She beeped the horn. He turned around and went over to the car. She put down the passenger side window.

"Are you going home?" She asked.


"Want a ride?

"Yeah." He got in the car they drove off. "Can we stop at the dive-thru?" "I'm starving."

"Me to." "I've been on assignment all day."

They pulled into the drive-thru, got their food and parked to eat. They were talking.

"How long were you married?" He asked.

"Five years."

"What happened?"

"He left me for his secretary."

"Well I know right away he's a douchebag."


"He had you and left you." "Sounds like something a douchebag would do."

"I'm the idiot though." "It was going on for a year before I suspected anything." "I still wonder what I did wrong."

"Nothing." "It all him." "He's an asshole." "I haven't known you for that long, but I know you're a great person." "Anyone who can't see that you don't want anyway."

"Thank you."

Em stopped on the street between their houses.

"Thanks for the ride." He said.

"You're welcome." "See you later."


Later that night Em had just laid down in bed. She got a text. It read.

Just wanted to say goodnight. – Sam

Goodnight - Em   

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