Chapter 11

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Em had been in Paris for two months. She liked it there but she missed Sam a bit. She'd almost cracked a few times and called him. Since she'd arrived there she cried herself to sleep every night thinking about him

Now she was in a terrifying situation. She was in her doctor's office waiting room. Fortunately for her a lot of people in Paris spoke English. A nurse came out.

"Emmaline Thompson?" She said in a French accent. They went back to an exam room. "What brings you here today?"

"I took a home pregnancy test and it said I was pregnant." "I'm here to confirm."

The nurse handed her a specimen cup. "We'll need a urine sample." "The bathroom is down the hall on the right."

Em gave the sample and had been waiting in the exam room for about ten minutes. The doctor came in.

"Hello Miss Thompson." The doctor said.


"You are pregnant."

"I was afraid of that."

"This was an accidental pregnancy?"

"Yes." She got tears in her eyes.

"It's ok."

"I've just always wanted to be a mom someday." "I can't keep this baby."

"You want to terminate your pregnancy?"

"No." "I have to give it up for adoption."


"I can't tell the father." "I know he's nowhere near ready." "I'm not ready to be a single mother."

"I can connect you to an adoption agency."

"Thank you."

Em laid down on the exam table and got hooked to the machine. "You're eight weeks along." "Would you like to see your baby?"

"Yes, but I shouldn't." "I don't want to get attached to it."

When she got home Em called the adoption agency. She had an appointment Friday afternoon.

Later that night Em was agonizing over whether or not she could call Sam and tell him about the baby. She knew it would freak him out. She looked down at her stomach and rubbed it with both hands.

"Hi." She said out loud. "I'm sorry I can't keep you." "I want to keep you, I do, but I can't, I'm sorry." "Your daddy is just a baby himself." "I can't tell him about you."  "I promise I'll give you to the best family." "One who can give you the life you deserve." "I promise to find you and explain someday." "I love you."

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