Chapter 12

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Em was in her fourth month of pregnancy and showing. She wore extra big clothes at the office so no one could tell she was pregnant. She didn't want to explain to everyone that she wasn't keeping the baby. She decided she didn't want to know what the baby's gender was. She'd even given the doctor instructions not to let her see the baby when it was born. Em had met and chosen an adoptive American family for the baby. They were from Minnesota. She was a high school teacher and he was lawyer.

Em had just woken up. As she was making breakfast she felt the baby kick.

"Good morning." She said. "I know you're hungry." "Food is coming soon."

Later that after Em got a delivery of a package. It was a new framed picture to go along with her collection. She opened it and hung it. Taking a step back she looked at it. It was the picture she had taken of Sam skating in the park.

"Perfect." She said out loud.

Later that night Em was sitting on the couch. The baby started to kick. As detached as she was trying to be from it, at times it was very hard. Especially when she felt it move. She began to think about Sam. Em got her phone, blocked her number and dialed his. She muted her phone.

"Hello?" He said.



"I miss you." She said with tears coming down her cheeks.

"Whoever this is I can't hear you."

"We're having a baby Sam, but I can't keep it, I'm sorry."

"Em?" "Baby?"

"Yeah." "I love you Sam." She hung up and cried. 

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