Chapter 15

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Em was going to Atlanta, Georgia tomorrow. Once she landed she was going straight to the office of the private investigator for their first meeting. She was putting Samantha to bed. She thought Em was going on assignment.

"Be good for Lucas." Em said.

"I will." "I wish I could come with you."

"I know." "I'll take you to America someday, I promise." She kissed her on the cheek. "I love you."

"I love you too mom."

Em was in bed later that night. Lucas got in bed next to her. He could tell 'Em had something on her mind.

"What?" He asked.

"I'm just nervous."

"That you might find Sam."

"Yeah, but not just that." "I'm nervous to leave Samantha for that long." "I've never left her for this long, especially to go to another country."

"It's normal for you to worry, but you don't have to." "Everything will be fine."

"I know."

"Anything I can do to relax you?"" He started kissing her shoulder.

"Sure." "Come here." They kissed.

Two days later Em was in her hotel in Atlanta. She was waiting to hear back from the private investigator. The only thing she had to give him was Sam's name, date of birth and parents address. The only thing she knew so far was that his parents no longer lived in that house. Em's phone rang.

"Hello?" She said.

"Hi." The investigator said. "I've located Mr. Ratsch." "He lives here in Atlanta but he's traveling for work right now." "He's checked in to the Hilton on Main Street in Chicago, Illinois." "Room 506." "He's due to check out tomorrow morning." "He's a professional wrestler for a company called All Elite Wrestling."

"Thank you."

Em hung up and immediately booked a flight to Chicago. When she got to his hotel room door it was a quarter till eleven at night. She took a deep breath and knocked on the door. He answered it. The first thing she noticed was that his hair was now blonde.

"Hi Sam." She said. "Do you remember me?"

He smiled. "Do I remember you?" "Em, come on." "Come in." She went inside. They hugged and sat down on the couch. "Got married again huh?"" He asked noticing her wedding ring.


"How long?"

"Three years."

"I freaked you out when I told you I loved you didn't I?"

"Yes." "It scared me because I loved you to and our age difference was holding me back." "I wanted to be with you but my mind wouldn't let me." "Plus I knew you had to live and grow."

"I don't blame you, but my first love broke my heart, and it really hurt."

"I'm sorry."

"Where did you go?"

"Paris." "I still live there."

"Do you have any kids?"

"A daughter."

"How old?"

"Eight." "Her name is Samantha."


"I named her after her father."

"Wait, you're telling me... He was shocked.

"Yes." "She's yours."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Initially I was going to give her up for adoption." "Once she was born I changed my mind." "The day she was born I tried to call and tell you, but your number was disconnected."

"Why now?"

"My husband wanted to adopt Samantha but I told him I had to find you first." "I've searched for you on social media for years." "I couldn't find you."

"All of those are under my Darby Allin stage name." "Can I see a picture of her?"

"Yeah." She showed him a picture on her phone.

He smiled. "She has my eyes."

"I know."

"Does she know about me?"

"Yeah." "She even calls you dad when she talks about you." "She doesn't know I'm here though."

"I want to meet her."


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