Chapter 1{Encounter}

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She walked down the road as she barely even knew where she was going. Wearing  tight jeans with brown boots and a huge sweater with her dark brown hair let down as she had a scarf covering her face from her nose to mouth and she walked down the wet road and jumped over a puddle and she looked around smiling warmly "Never thought it was this beautiful" She said staring at the busy people before she felt a droplet of water fall on her cheek as she looked up at the sky that started to turn dark.

  It was only 3pm the clouds gathered which was a signal that rain was near as she smiled from ear to ear "How does it feel to get soaked"She said her thoughts out loud not looking at where she was going as she bumped into a man who was standing in front of his shop.

"Oh I'm sorry"She apologized immediately.

As he stared blankly at her"You don't want to know how it feels to get soaked trust me, this rain is going to be heavy" He told her calmly, his voice was like a melody to her ears as she stared at him observing his features his dark grey hair blowing due to the wind as her gaze went to his brown eyes which looked slightly tensed and she noticed the look of irritation on his face.

"Are you okay?" She asked him as he stared at his foot and her gaze followed his and she noticed she had been stepping on his left foot the whole time.

"Oh sorry" she said awkwardly but noticed he still looked irritated and tensed "I don't think that's the problem. Is everything okay?" She asked him even though he was a stranger to her and she was a stranger to him. He kept looking at the sign board of his shop that didn't have a name and she noticed it.

"This is my Caffe and the opening is tomorrow but I can't seem to think of a name for it"He said uneasy.

"Oh" she simply replied staring at the sign board also.
"I'm sure you will think of a good name, you know good things take time" She told him smiling as he stared at her and nodded.

"Thank you" He thanked her before entering his shop and going to the counter putting his head on the counter and thinking.

She continued walking before the rain started drizzling and then it poured down heavy as people were running trying to look for shelter and thunder roared as she was already soaked.

"You do not want to stay under this rain" A man who was running with an umbrella told her before he stood beside her covering the both of them with the umbrella as she smiled at him "I know a place we can get shelter" She told him as she walked and he followed her drenched body and she opened of the shop the bell dinging indicating the entrance of someone as the owner looked up from the counter at the two people who entered his shop, recognizing one of them since he met her a minute ago.

"Can we get shelter in your Caffe sir?"She asked him as she sneezed shivering.

"sorry" The man she walked in with told her as he looked at her worried and the owner just nodded leaving the counter and going to the store room and coming back with a towel as he handed it to her.

"When will he ask us to sit" The man that came in with her tought to himself before the Caffe owner looked at him and smiled slightly at him.

"You can sit" He told them as the man was shocked but shaked it off and he pointed to a table as they walked over and sat down, the owner returning to the counter.

"Thanks for letting us in" She thanked him as she dried her hair and he just nodded not staring at them as he stared out at the heavy rain before seeing a figure running to his shop and she opened the door running in drenched breathing heavily. The owner raised his eyebrows at her while the other two stared at her.

"I'm sorry for slamming your door........uhm who is the owner?" She asked confused as the owner didn't say anything and was about to leave to get her a towel.

"Don't worry sir, I'll give her mine" She told him and he looked at her before walking back to the counter.

"I guess he's the owner" She said smiling at the man who was barely concerned about the strangers in his shop. She handed the drenched girl the towel as she thanked her.
"Hi nice to meet you I'm teddy"She said softly damping her red hair.

"Nice to meet you too I'm...." She stopped abruptly thinking as the Caffe owner turned to her staring at her
"I'm Elvira" She continued and Teddy giggled.

"It's too classy" She said chuckling.
"I'll call you Vira"Teddy told her sitting with them before she turned to the man that was sitting down since
"And you are?" Teddy asked removing her red sachel.

"Why should I tell you my name?" He asked her.

"You don't have to" Teddy replied him bringing out her stuff from her sachel and she layed it on the table, Books, Pen, Candy and what looked like a wand as she picked it up.

"Is that a wand?"Elvira asked her curious.

"Yes"Teddy replied shortly as she snapped her fingers and the wand disappeared as their eyes widened and the owner looked at her with a hard gaze.

"Did, What?-" The man on the table with them said intrigued as Elvira stared at Teddy fascinated.

"Are you part of the people that has powers?" Elvira asked curious as Teddy nodded after she was done arranging her bag and putting everything back after making sure it wasn't wet from the rain.

"Aren't power holders supposed to hide their identity to avoid been taken by the kingdom" The man said to her.

"I'm a fairy, I'm not part of the hiders. I'll have to serve the king and Queen like my ancestors and family did, I don't have to hide my identity" Teddy told him as he nodded understanding and Elvira stared at her hardly before speaking.

"Have you been to the palace before?" She asked her as Teddy Shaked her head cutely.

"No, but my parents have. They've told me stories about the king and Queen also about the princess and prince" Teddy said eyes sparkling as she tought about all the stories .
"My mother always said the princess was the prettiest maiden she had seen and I would always get petty with her , how could she say that when she had me and she just laughed it off. She said the prince is a very strong man feared by all and also admired by every maiden" Teddy told them day dreaming.

"Day dreaming about someone you don't know" The owner said walking to them with a tray in his hands and coffee in it, 4 cups as he dropped it on the table sitting beside Elvira.

"It is love" Teddy defended herself taking a cup of coffee.

"Thanks Mr owner" Elvira thanked him taking a cup for herself

"Jimin" He told her as she stared at him softly.

"That's a charming name" Elvira said to him

"Thanks Jimin" Teddy thanked him sipping the coffee as she enjoyed it.

✨✨✨I hope you liked it ✨✨✨
                This is MCR Caffe

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