Chapter 27{Their Victor}

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"You are beautiful Lean" Calix told Vira as she was shocked and left speechless by the man in front of her.
"You always have been" He concluded as Vira stared at him eyes widened
"Has he really changed or is this all an act?" Vira tought still staring at him.

"Uhmm Thank you?" Vira said unsure as she tried to avoid eye contact.
"You don't look bad yourself " Vira tried complementing him also and he chuckled at obvious awkwardness from the situation.

"Is The Lean nervous?" Calix said trying to hold his laughter as Vira glared at him.

"Nonsense!" She stated" why would I be nervous because of you " Vira said rolling her eyes and he smiled at her since she was back to being comfortable.

"Thank you for noticing I don't look bad I really appreciate it" Calix told her laughing as she laughed as well realizing the type of compliment she gave him.

"It is better than nothing" Vira said before she stopped laughing and glared at him " stop that" she spat at him and he he stared at her with a playful smirk.

"Stop what?" He asked her teasingly

"Stop being nice and go back to being the insufferable annoying man you are" Vira told him and he smiled at her statement.

"That isn't who I am I was just stupid and irresponsible back then "Calix told her and she stared at him.

"Why the sudden change?" Vira asked him.

"Well I realized I was being an idiot and an arrogant bastard yesterday night at the ball when they were all questioning your competenc and looking down on you." Calix told her and Vira stared at him listening to him. " I have been living with you for the past 4 years and I know how hard you work just to make this kingdom better, how many people you have to deal with because they are against you and you had to deal with me also. You are really doing everything you can I can see the results everyone can but no one wants to accept it. I am sorry for being a nuisance to you all this time" Calix told her sincerely as he had realized his mistakes since just didn't know how to apologize.

"Thank you for acknowledging all of my hard work and I am also sorry for being rude to you" Vira told him and he smiled at her.

"Great now we are on good terms " he said as the air felt lighter between them.

Hobi in the front as he was hearing the 2 "wow wow" he said in disbelief and the old man navigating the horses chuckled.

"They will have a wonderful relationship once they are married " he said and Hobi was laughing his lungs out imagining the scenerio.

"That is very funny sir " Hobi said in-between his laughter as the man joined him.

***1 hour later***

They finally got to the venue. It was 12:32pm currently and the challenges start at 1pm. A lot of villagers were already gathered,Vira was staring at the crowd outside as the carriage went inside and it stopped in a 3 story building and Vira and Calix got down as Calix had already worn his mask.
The two entered the building, Hobi following behind and Vira stopped at the door of her dressing room and Calix stared at her " I will see in the ring" he told her as she nodded before he walked away his butler directing him to his own room.

Vira entered her dressing room, all weapons already placed on a table and Vira sat on the chair relaxing.
"What match is first?" Vira asked Hobi.

"Archery " Hobi answered her.
"You can do this Lean I believe in you, call me if you need me I'm outside " Hobi told her and she nodded before he left.

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