Chapter 29 {Power}

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Vira was being tackled on the floor as she refused to surrender.
It has been 15 minutes the other fights have ended and it is only Vira and this man that is left.
Everyone has been on the edge as non of them were close to giving up.

Vira kicked him away from her as she finally got on her feet again before he came running to her. She stared at him confused "what is wrong with this man?" She tought as he kept breaking the rules he already got 2 warnings already.
Vira was about to hit him before he kicked her in her guts as she collided with the ground coughing up blood.

He sat on her belly before he noticed the blood stain on her shoulder and he smirked pressing his thumb in the wound. Vira groaned in pain the wound re-opening, the pain was immense.

Everyone watched, some couldn't it was painful to watch.
Jimin watched as Vira was in pain as he clenched his fist but she wasn't tapping out, vira's blood was all over the man's hand.
Calix was feeling uneasy before he turned to the Moderator" is this not against the rules?" He asked and he Shaked his head as Calix groaned before turning back to Vira.
"Just tap out! You are going to get serverly injured!!" He yelled at Vira.

Vira's vision was getting hazy, the pain was getting worse. The man on top of her brought out a knife from his ankle everyone gasping.

"That is against the rules!!" People yelled.
"No weapons allowed!!!"

"He is going to kill her"

"Someone do something!!!"

All the guards pointed their guns to the man. "Let her go now!! " The head guard yelled as he raised his arm up ready to give a signal to the guards to shoot,

Vira ears beeping as she wasn't hearing what the others was saying.
"You are disqualified!!!" The Moderator yelled as the man didn't stop and everyone was worried.

Jimin and Calix running to go and get Vira away from him as he stabbed her everyone eyes widened the King standing up as Vira held the knife with her hand her blood dripping on her face. She yanked the knife away getting him off her as she could barely stand a smile dancing on her lips as she chuckled, Jimin and Calix stopping in their tracks.

Vira walking to him as he came closer to her and she kicked him straight into his guts, he groaned and she swept him off his fist his head hitting the ground.
Vira went on top off him grabbing his shirt as she punched him with her bloody hands over and over again his face covered in both their bloods. He grabbed sand from the ground about to pour it at Vira before she held his hand and twisted it ready to break his bones as cracking were heard and everyone watched in horror.

Vira pulling him up by his hair before she hit his face against the ground sand entering his mouth before she tore her shirt tying it around her bleeding palm, she stood up a smile on her face and she stomped on his face with her boots, he screamed in pain his teeths breaking blood flowing before she stepped back.

"GET UP!!!" Vira yelled
"You want to go low? I can go lower. Get up!!!" She ordered him. He tried to stand up before before spined kicking him straight in his jaw and he fell to the ground. She walked to him grabbing him by his collar as she punched him reapetedly he could barely keep his eyes open before she stood up staring at him.

"You have a chance to fight the Princess of Merillia do not waste it!" Vira exclaimed as everyone was shocked.

"That is the princess "

"Oh my goodness"

"She revealed her identity before the end"

''The crowned princess"

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