Chapter 40 {Meeting}

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***Morning 7am***

Hobi woke up yawning as he rubbed his eyes trying to gain vision before he noticed Vira reading.
"Lean? You did not sleep again?" Hobi asked her standing up
"I cannot believe I slept in your room. I don't know why I agreed to drink with the both of you" he said groaning.

"Hobi?" Vira called him her gaze still on the book.


"The boy that I refused to execute he has started military training right?" Vira asked him and Hobi nodded.

"Yes he has. Based on your orders" he answered her confused why she was suddenly asking this.

"What are his powers?" Vira asked him finally taking her eyes of the book.

"Well we really did not ask, but in the records it was said that he froze one of the guards while he was being arrested" Hobi told her staring at her intense gaze.

"Tell the general I need to speak to the boy he should grant him access. I need to have a few words with him" Vira told him standing up.

"When should I set the meeting?" Hobi asked her.

"After the court meeting. I need to get ready. Please call in the servernts" Vira told him placing the ancestoral journal in her drawer while locking it.

"Is everything okay?" He asked her worried and she just smiled at him.

"It is"


Vira was walking to the meeting room Hobi following her as they walked in and all the Ministers there already, and they stood up bowing to her.
"Good morning your Highness"
Vira walked to the table taking a seat and so did Hobi as he started taking notes of the meeting.

"Let the meeting commence" The Baron said.

"Your Majesty the theft in Eves has reduced but they only became smarter with their swindling" Lord Danam said and Vira nodded.

"The guards are still out there right?" She asked him and he nodded.

"Yes your highness"

"Tell them to put in more work and investigate on the places that have been robbed to find if the thieves have a particular pattern in which they do their work." Vira told him and he nodded approving.

"Have heard there is an underground inn here in Eves where crooks and theives gather and some of the Ministers have dealings with them is that so?" Vira said taking all of them aback as she had her eyes on one of the Ministers, the grand duke.

Some looked around confused while others were moving in their seats and Vira just smiled.
"How did you get about that information your highness?" Sir Lone asked intrigued.

"How can you rule a kingdom and not know what's happening in it" Vira said chuckling.
"Now I would like to give a special warning to all of you, if you are caught I will personally deal with you,
No matter your status." Vira stated and the grand duke glared at her before Vira caught his gaze and he looked away.

"Don't you think you are just judging on false information" Namjoon said staring at her and Vira turned to him.

"How exactly is that?"Vira asked him.

"You claim there is an underground inn here in Eves, have you seen it yourself? Or did you see any of the Ministers go in there? You cannot just accuse them without tangible evidence" Namjoon told her and Vira stared at him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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