Chapter 33 {Confession}

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"Shouldn't there be loyalty in your family?" Jimin asked her

"We are royalty that does not exist" Vira answered him and he shaked his head in disbelief at how broken the family is.

The man from earlier kept following them, the 2 oblivious to that detail.
"You still haven't told me how you know about the convine?" Jimin asked Vira while she had her eyes on the road.

"I have information about everything that happens in my kingdom" Vira answered him not interested in going into details and Jimin stopped in his tracks and turned to her making Vira stop also turning to him.

"Does all the royal family know about this?" Jimin asked her serious.

"I cannot give out that information" she replied him not hesitating which kept making him more suspicious of her.

"Is this a plan? A perfect plan accostrated by the King and Queen, are you just getting close with us to discover a way to get rid of all the hiders, because why are you so causal with breaking the kingdoms rules or else you are getting something out of it" Jimin asked her as he kept finding it hard to trust Vira, no matter how hard he tries to forget the fact that she is the crowned princess and she lied to him, to everyone without even giving it a tought, she was who he vowed to kill.
"Why do you keep leaving the palace and putting your self in danger, staying with hiders that can easily destroy you, I can erase your memories, I can read your mind and go through all your memories find out all your deepest secrets, your weaknesses, your insecurities and use them against you, I can make you forget who you are, forget everyone you love-" Jimin was saying before Vira Cutt him off.

"But you didn't" She told him and Jimin scoffed a smirk creeping up to his lips before he came closer to her.

"But I can" he stated his eyes dark "you keep forgetting that fact. Lean I am not someone you should be trusting I spent 6 years with you does not mean I will go easy on you, if you tought I have given up on avenging my parents you are extremely wrong. Give me a knife and I will stab you, right Infront of you and at your back-"
Jimin got cut off as Vira brought out her dagger from her boots and placed it on Jimin's hand her eyes cold.

"Do it" Vira told him staring at him" Stab me I want to see how true you are to your words" Vira said as Jimin stared at the dagger in his hands before chuckling darkly.

"It seems you really haven't learnt from the ball incident" Jimin stated before lunging the blade at her heart, Vira stood there staring at him and Jimin poked his cheek with his tongue as he stared at her unwavering gaze
"Are you really trying to get yourself killed" he said redrawing the blade.

"Why? You can't do it?" Vira asked him" if you want to get rid off me you shouldn't hesitate, either it be a dagger or a gun, hesitate and the bullet won't be leaving your gun" Vira told him codly taking the dagger out of his hold  and returning it. Jimin chuckled before leaning closer to Vira and staring at her his gaze leaving her eyes and trailing down to her lips.

"Would you really pull the trigger, you love me, will pulling the trigger be that easy for you?" Jimin asked her snaking his arms around her waist and bringing her closer to him and Vira stared at him her gaze fixed on his. Jimin bringing his gun from his waist band and giving it to Vira as he stared at her his grip on her waist tight.
"Prove to me that you would not hesitate! I need you to to show me that you will protect yourself if I ever attack you, the gun is fully loaded, shoot me." Jimin whispered in her ear vira's breath shallow from their closeness as she could feel Jimin's breath tickle her skin.
"Shoot me for not giving you a reply when you told me you had feelings for me last year, shoot me for choosing Luella over you, shoot me for being a bastard towards you, shoot me for ignoring your feelings, shoot me for not trying to not make us work, shoot me for trying to kill you, shoot me for betraying you, shoot me because you know I deserve it all!!" Jimin shouted at her and Vira stared at him her gaze softening.

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