Chapter 14{ Mix the batter well }

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"Take him to his room and guard the door now!!! Don't let him get out."

"You might want to mind that eye that's closing. Close your eyes and you'll never open them again"

"Crying already?"

"The royal physician said you would not be able to walk for a while"

Okay chapter 14


Vira's eyes shot open when she felt a cold touch on her hand before she sighed.

"Are you okay?" Her brother asked her looking at her body. She could see the anger in his eyes that he was trying to hide.

"Yes I am" Vira straddled up and sat down looking at him.

"I am sorry I did not come earlier. Father messed with-" he was saying before Vira placed her finger on his lips shutting him up and he stared at her and all the anger welmed up in him vanished before he pulled her closer and placed a kiss on her forehead and he kept her in his embrace holding her tight like she would slip away if he let go.

"Vira please don't get hurt like this" he begged her.
"You know you are the only one I have left and the only reason I choose to live" he told her as she chuckled

"And the others would think you are perfectly okay" Vira hugged him and he smiled at her.

"Now who did this to you?" He asked her serious as he pulled away and stared at her and Vira stopped smiling.

"You do not have to do this. I am okay, that is what matters" Vira tried to tell him but only received a scoff from her brother

"You are okay?" He stood up and stared at her " Get up" He told her and she sighed knowing she could not stand or walk.

"You are very okay" Her brother said sarcastically.
"It's Namjoon is it not" He said flaring up and he was leaving to look for him

"Wait please" Vira pleaded getting out of bed and she fell down
Oww right, I can't walk she mentally reminded herself as she was in pain and her brother ran to her. Her fall waking Hobi from his deep slumber and he looked around worried, his eyes adjusting to the dim light in the room and he saw vira's brother and stood up immediately

"Good-" Hobi stopped, checking around trying to know what the time is right now.
Wow it's really late he said to himself
"Good evening second prince" Hobi greeted him bowing as he carried Vira and placed her on her bed.

"It's morning right now Hoseok" He corrected him and Hobi jaw dropped lightly at how long he slept for.

"Good morning second prince" He corrected himself walking to vira's bed.

"Lean please stop hurting yourself. I will make sure to deal with him-" he was saying when his sister cutt him off

"Leave him. Don't touch him" Vira told him and he stared at her shocked but not surprised also.
She threatened Namjoon so many times but has never actually done anything to him while. Namjoon says and does what he promised to.

"But he-" Her brother tried to talk but she cut him off

"He is our brother. Please don't hurt him. No matter how much I hate him, I don't want anything to happen to him." Vira said honestly making her brother sigh

If you are being to lenient now, how will you get the kingdom and even if you do, how will you rule it if you find it hard to punish people who are at wrong. He thought before he turned and walked to the door
"You should go back to sleep " he told her leaving her room
"Guard her room well" he ordered the guards

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