chapter 10 { Lost boy }

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"Hobi it's Jimin's Caffe"

"Don't let anyone in"

"What? You're an assassin you can defend yourself"

"There's so much I have to do. First off how do I fix Jimin's Caffe? My brother and Fiance are planning against me and I have an assassin after me"

Okay chapter 10


Vira started going through the paper works and files.

  It was currently 12am as Jimin walked down the street tired the lamps, lightning the way before he stopped halfway when he saw a silhouette and he walked closer to the figure to be faced with a young boy probably around 6 or 8 he looked so rigid with his torn clothes as he used a worn out blanket to cover himself because he was shivering from the cold.

Jimin kneeled to his height and the boy didn't even look up.
"Hello!" Jimin greeted him and the boy didn't flinch
"What is such a young boy doing out here? He looks abandoned" Jimin tought looking at him and the boy looked up to him with his tear stained cheeks making Jimin's gaze to soften

The boy looked so tired and scared
"What are you doing out here? Don't you have a home? Where are your parents? Are you okay?" Jimin asked question after question a little worried about him and he didn't say a word he just looked at him

"I can't just leave him here but I can't take him home either. I don't know anything about him" Jimin tought looking at him.
Something about the boy made him so attached.
"Stay here, I'm coming" he told him running somewhere and he entered a shop

"Young lad we are closed. Perhaps you should come by tomorrow" the old man said to him

"Sir please can you please give me a loaf of bread and hot cocoa please I'll pay you double" Jimin begged him and the old man sighed as he gave in and sold the bread and hot cocoa to Jimin and he payed twice the price as he promised.

He left the store and walked back to where the boy was and he saw him there. He looked so weak and Jimin sat beside him giving him the bread and hot cocoa and the boy stared at him.
"It's hot, here. You need it." Jimin told him and he collected it eating it immediately and Jimin chuckled ruffling his hair as he gubbled down the food.
"I guess you don't have parents?" Jimin asked as the boy stopped, with Jimin staring at him
"It's alright I also don't have parents. We are the same" Jimin said softly as his gaze went to the night sky and the little boy continued eating.

Jimin waited until he finished eating and he stood up with the boy staring at him.
"Take care of yourself okay, I'll see you again" Jimin told him before walking away and he watched Jimin leave until he couldn't see him anymore

"Thank you" the little boy muttered softly laying on the cold floor.That was the most food he had eaten since he could remember.

Jimin stopped in front of his Caffe and noticed the lights were switched on as he walked in
"What are you guys still doing here?" He asked the 2 who were busy playing monopoly before they turned to him.

"Ugh you're finally back" Jungkook cheered

"You said it'll take only an hour" Luella told him

"I got delayed but what are you still doing here?" Jimin asked confused as to why they are still here
"And where are the other 2?"

"Well Taehyung has a nightshift at the bar so he had to go " Luella told him

"And we told Teddy to go home it was getting late and it wouldn't be safe for her to wait " Jungkook finished

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