Chapter Seven

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Saturday 20 November 2021
Dear Satan,
A week has passed since the date at the restaurant, I have been thinking nonstop about her. Was this really a date to her? It was to me, was I too much for her? Is this too soon? Why did she see Dalton?
I honestly should give up already, am I going absolutely insane? Spiraling so much over one single girl that I met just because I got her fiancé's heart. Satan this is what you do to people. I hate you to death.

I'm about to go pick up Anfisa, I can't help but feel nervous. Nervous that I might say something wrong to upset her, nervous that I might get rejected, and nervous about the last physical touch we had. That short kiss on the cheek, to me it meant something. To her, it was probably a thank you, for a good night out together.
We stayed in phone contact for the next week. Every night I would call her, when I didn't she would call me. It has become a pattern of my day. It seems like she gets less sad because she could spend the hard times with me instead of alone. It makes me truly happy that I can be someone like that for her. My only wish was to have a person like that when I needed it.
A warm feeling is growing inside of me just by thinking of her. Her beautiful blonde hair, that's shinier than Rapunzel's. Her blue eyes, are similar to the ocean and sky together. Is this what falling in love is like? Maybe it's not too bad after all.

With a deep long sigh, I close the book. Walking to the closet with my head facing the ground. Hundreds of thoughts still spiraling through my head. My mom told me to write them down on paper, so that's what I'm doing. It doesn't make the overthinking less. I just pay more attention to it now so I can write it down later. Which isn't a good thing.
I grab a small amount of hair gel and rub it into my dark hair. Not too much. Just enough to show that I did something to my hair, but I'm not trying to impress someone. But I did want to impress her, so as my final touch I spray my favorite cologne on me. Sniffing the lovely scent I just put on myself.


On the way to her home, I dropped by the store to get some flowers. It was pretty late in the evening so they didn't have a lot.
Let me rephrase that.
They didn't have anything. A singular red rose was laying on the ground. When I asked the cashier if I could pay for it she said
'Just take it no one cares about the stupid flower.'
A few weeks back I would've said the exact same thing. But Anfisa is starting to change things inside me. In the best possible way ever.
With a single rose in my hand, I knock on the door. I'm not meaning to be cliché with the flower, but I can't just come empty-handed.
Since I don't know her the best yet, I decided to get flowers, well a flower. The flower that picked me. Most women like flowers and chocolate, hopefully, she does too, would be easy.
Relief washes over her face as she opens the door slightly and sees me. Was she expecting someone else? I shake the nervous overthinking thoughts off me.
When she opens the door completely I see her dress. Black with golden flakes, they totally match her personality and eyes. And she looks so confident wearing it. It almost makes me fall for her all over again.
Did I just admit to falling for her before?
My eyes stare confusedly at the floor to see her bare feet. I am kind off early, so she is probably still getting ready.
My eyes light up again when I lift my head. Seeing her like this, it's almost like seeing her in a beautiful white dress ready to walk down the aisle.
"Keep your mouth open for a little longer and drool will come out." She laughs jokingly as she pulls me inside. My face turns red, embarrassed that I got caught full-on staring and fantasizing about things when I just know her for one and a half months.
"I need to finish getting ready, wait here." I do exactly as she says.
I can't help but look around the room as she does the last things to get ready. She has a lovely apartment, it's well taken care of. Everything seems spotless, unlike my apartment. I plan to move to a bigger apartment soon so why should I bother cleaning it? There is a vase full of flowers in front of me. Exactly as I thought, women like flowers. I put my singular red rose with the rest of the flowers.
"Red and white match perfectly." My heart makes a jump, she is closer than I expected. Her breath falls on my chest when I turn around.
"Thank you for the flower." My hands meet her waist, she doesn't seem to mind. Anfisa rests her hand on my chest, feeling my heart pound like crazy, her fiancé's heart. In fear of hurting her, by reminding her of her fiancé, I take a small step back.
"For what?" She asks, pulling me back into the exact same position. For a small woman like her, she has some real muscles in those arms.
I don't remind her of her Dalton all the time anymore.
I sigh quietly, a sigh full of relief.
My gaze drops briefly to her lips, which doesn't seem to be unnoticed by her.
"We better go... Don't want to be late." With a simple nod, I let go of her. Knowing I said I will give her space, and time to heal from Dalton, but I can't help myself in moments like these. Self-control is hard around her. Anfisa's eyes speak complete books, closed books, and I can't read anything.
As I hold open the door for her she gets in. Feeling fully trusted to let me drive her, although we only met a few times before. It feels like I've known her all my life. I wish I did, I wish I met her before Dalton did.
Carefully I intertwine my hand with hers, and a soft smile glances from her face. The entire ride I hold my hand like that. Not for a second, she seemed to mind. But with every movement, I thought she was going to pull her hand back and get mad at me for not taking it slow enough.
Moments later I pull up into the driveway of my friend's house. Many cars are parked already, although we aren't late.
I'm never late.
He doesn't live far away from Anfisa's apartment.
She gets the vibe of the party immediately because she starts dancing as soon as she hears the music. Cute.
"We are not even inside yet." I scoff.
"So? I'm excited, you don't know how long it has been since I've been to a party!" A wide smile shines off her face. "Dalton hated parties." Her smile fades in an instant. I never know how to respond to this. Do I tell her not to think about him or tell her that it will be okay? . Neither is correct.
A tiny bit of lipstick is smudged across her cheek. My eyes lock with hers, and sparkles come from my eyes.
"Why are you looking at me like that Zach?" I blink hard, shaking my head, trying to get out of my own head.
My fingers wrap around her chin very gently. Her jaw drops slowly into my hand. With my finger, I wipe away the smudged lipstick.
How badly I just want to press my lips on hers right now... Before I can do so I let go of her.
"You're giving me the look." Anfisa stares back at me silently for a moment. Her comment leaves me speechless. I am. But I didn't know it was that obvious.
When I have no idea what to say to her next I get out of the car.
Before she can open her own door I hold it open for her. Trying to make a good impression on her. I look around to see if anyone saw it.

No one, luckily. It's not that I'm embarrassed by her, I just know my friends would bully me with the fact I have a girl with me. They will anyway. As long as they don't attack Anfisa personally.
"Are you coming?" Her words together with the excitement in her voice, rip me out of my thoughts.
Once inside my eye immediately catches on a familiar face. Not that familiar, I've only seen her once or twice. But that once was special.
"Well if it isn't Zorya Darby." She turns around with a smug smile.
"I didn't think I would see you for the third time."
"I will get us a drink." Anfisa whispers in my ear. Before I can tell her I would come along with her she's already at the bar.
"So who are you here with tonight?" Zorya wonders as she watches Anfisa walk away.
"That's a funny story actually..." Awkwardly I scratch the back of my neck, feeling a bit sweaty. A funny story... It's heartbreaking to her. "She is the fiancé of the person who died and donated me the new heart." Her jaw drops as if she just saw a ghost.
"And you are going out with her? You are a terrible person." She pushes me playfully while laughing a bit.
Was this flirting or am I just imagining it?
"I can't choose whom I like and don't like..." I pause. Looking around to see a trace of Anfisa. There is none.
"Do you like anyone?" I ask fishing around for an answer to why she just flirted lightly with me.
"Maybe I do, I am not quite sure yet. I can be sure after tonight." My eyebrow raises at this comment. It looks like I am not getting a clear answer to that question tonight.
My eyes glide across the room again, still seeing no trace of Anfisa, did she just walk away without me?
"Are you looking for someone? I'm right in front of you." The quietness between us grows as I decide not to answer.

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