Chapter Eight

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Zach seems to have met an old friend, so I go to get a drink.
That way... I don't bother him too much.
"Hey, I just saw you talk with Zachary, is he your friend?" A friendly voice from behind me asks.
"It's complicated, but I guess I can call him a friend for now."
I say, without spoiling too much of my personal life to this complete stranger. His eyes meet mine for the first time, and immediately they lock against mine. They have such an intense vibe.
"Is everything okay with you?" I ask just to be sure.
"Yes ma'am."
There is a long pause where he just stares at me.
"Oh, I'm so sorry, how rude of me. I'm Ryan, one of Zach's best friends." That makes the situation less anxious for me.
But I've never been good with social situations.
I don't know how Ryan suddenly ends up so close to me, his face is only a few inches away from mine.
I try to maintain eye contact with Ryan but I can't help seeing Zach behind Ryan. He seems way too interested in the girl in front of him. I don't blame him, she's beautiful. Shining flawless brown skin, and lips that you can kiss all night. All the opposite of me. Her hand touches his arm slightly, giving me a jealous feeling. I don't know why, Zach isn't even my boyfriend. We aren't even on a date. Are we?
"So, what's your name?" He asks a bit too interested it sounds creepy. Smoothly he pulls me away from the spot where I could see and make eye contact with Zach perfectly.
"It's Anfisa." His eyes widen as he hears my name. That's usually what happens when you have a rare name. I didn't choose to be named like this either. My mom just really liked flowers, especially the anfisa flower. A flower not many people have heard of, but can not be forgotten about in a flower shop.
Ryan's hand slides across the bar closer to mine.
"I'm dating Zach." He immediately drops his hands to his hips and steps a big step away from me, scratching his neck awkwardly, as I hoped.
"Oh, I... I didn't know that, I thought you said you were just..."
Why did it feel so good to lie about such a thing?
Zach's eyes locked in mine once again, they're lighting up as he sees me. There is also a bit of sadness visible in his eyes.
Now I realize how suspicious this actually looks.
"Hey man, I bumped into your girlfriend just now, you never told me about her, how long have you been together?" He looks just as shocked as I thought he would be. Not mad, rather flattered. My eyes fall onto the ground ashamed. God just let me disappear through the floor, let this situation be over. Zach seems to get the hint.
"Not too long, we didn't start telling people yet, so you're a first. Please keep it to yourself."
"Whatever you say, mate, I'm going to go be with the others, you should let her meet the rest of the group." The rest of the group? There are more, are they all like him? Hundreds of thoughts spin in my mind. Making me panic and breathe heavily.
Zach notices and reassures me with a hand on mine.
"What was that about?" My cheeks grow redder with every word he says. I have never been good at owning up to my consequences.
"He is your friend?" I ask shivering, trying to change the subject in the slightest way.
"Why did you tell him we are dating? Do you want to?" One of his eyebrows raises a bit.
"Something about him seemed off." With my head bowed to the ground I bite my lip softly.
It wasn't my intention to offend his best friend.
Zach makes a hum in the back of his throat, barely noticeable.
"Anfisa, I will keep an eye on him. I don't want you to feel scared or uncomfortable." He says, making this entire night feel safe and sound in an instant. "Let me introduce you to more of my friends over there, I'm sure they would love you." Zach points over at a small friend group swarmed together. Ryan stands with them too, his back facing me.
He didn't make the most amazing first impression but that doesn't have to mean that he is a bad person in general.
Next to him is standing a girl, she has her arms tightly wrapped around Ryan. He has a girlfriend? Then I really must be imagining him trying to get so close to me. My heart is pounding like crazy in my throat.
Zach must notice the anxious look on my face, as he pulls me in, wraps his arms around me, and hugs me while he rubs my back, giving me a reassuring feeling.
I thank God for bringing Zach into my life when I needed someone the most. He is also the one taking Dalton, but he didn't leave me in complete loneliness.

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