Chapter Sixteen

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"Do you want me to get you a glass of water to sober up?"
"Anfisa I am sober, I can handle a bit of alcohol." The low tone in his voice gives me shivers all the way down my spine. He comes up to me from behind as I'm making a cup of tea for us both. His breath falls on my neck.
The breath that smells like alcohol.
"Do you want this?" His lips reach my neck, the first time his lips come in contact with my skin. His lips, my skin. They feel soft and warm, exactly how I expected them to feel. The kiss lowers from my neck to my collar. "Or this?" I don't even want his lips off me for a second, not even to breathe or speak. A slight moan leaves my lips. Zach kisses the spot harder in a reaction to my moan. His hands grip my waist to flip me over, facing him.
"Kiss me." My voice sounds desperate. I am desperate. Desperate for him.
"Mm so impatient." The hands on my waist move more and more down before leaving my body totally.
"Don't stop..."
"Be mine Anfisa." I open my mouth to speak, but the words get stuck in my throat, so I just nod. "Say it with your words." Zach's hands are glued next to his body, refusing to touch me in any kind of way until I'm his.
"I-I... Want to be yours." The words repeat a million times through my mind.
"You're mine..." After waiting for way too long his lips reach mine. They press against mine harsh, yet his lips are still so soft. My hands reach for his shoulders, gripping them tightly for more of him.
A almost muted sound comes from his pocket in the deepest part of the kiss. His lips pull away from mine, instantly I start to breathe heavily.
While trying to catch my breath he says: "I'm sorry I have to take this." His hands slide into his pocket and he presses a few buttons on his phone before putting it to his ear.
"Zachary Wixx speaking." My eyes are concentrated on his, a slight smile is visible on my face. The kind of smile that gives me butterflies all throughout my stomach.
I try to listen to what the voice on the other line says, which is harder then I thought.
The smile drops all of a sudden, making him turn around. All I see is his back, wide shoulders and tense muscles. Zach lays his hand over the bottom of his phone.
"I'm sorry to break this moment, I will be in the bedroom." As a sign that I understood I simply nod.
I would be lying if I said I wouldn't be disappointed.
Seconds turn into minutes, and minutes feel like hours. My legs dangle over the end of the kitchen table, kicking the wall in front of me.
With every beat my heart makes my curiosity in me grows. He has been gone for way too long, too long for it to be a normal simple phone call.
"Zachary?" I call out his full name to catch his attention. No response. More time wasted minutes pass.
I push myself off the kitchen table when I finally make the decision to check up on Zach. His voice enters my ears louder and louder with every step I take closer to the bedroom.
Anger, rage, betrayal.
"Zach? Is everything alright?" My ear rests against the door hoping to pick up more of this conversation.
"What the hell is wrong with you?! I told you not to come here!" Harmful words and nicknames fill the room. Slowly but surely I open the door with a blast.
Zachary on top of a blonde sweet woman, begging for mercy. Just like my dad was on top of my mom once.
This picture is imprinted on my mind forever. His raspy voice, his hands all over her body.
"You are a weird stalker, if you ever come here again... I will."
"You will what?" I ask with darkness in my voice, darkness I have never felt before.
Rage overwins every other feeling in my body.
"Leave her alone! Get off her!" I start pulling on his shirt, dragging him over the floor by his shirt.
I never was the strongest, but rage overwins all.
"Anfisa what the hell? Leave me alone, I'm on the phone." Yeah right. 'On the phone'.
His phone is laying screen up on the bed. The messy bed that is not made, he never makes his bed. The screen doesn't light up meaning there is no one calling him. Zachary lunges for the girl again, who is crying in the corner of the room. Her hands in front of her face. I can see a little bit of red cheeks and sparks of tears in her eyes.
From the corner of my eyes I see a glass vase filled with flowers that look ages old. Zach isn't a person that receives flowers regularly.
Without thinking twice I grip the vase tightly. Right before his hand wants to hit her face, the vase hits his head while shattering into a million tiny pieces.
Blood is all over my hands and in my eyes blurring out my vision.
"What is wrong with you?" With a loud thud his body crashes onto the floor, giving me all the time to make sure the girl is okay.
She's gone.
"Where is she?!" My breath shakes as the fear in my voice is visible.
"Where is who?!"
"T-the girl." She isn't here. I blink a couple more times with my eyes to make sure I'm not dreaming everything. I even pinch myself, but still no girl.
"Did you kill her?" Murder is my first instinct.
Could Zach even be capable of murder?
"Anfisa there was never someone here!" The puddle of blood Zachary is laying in, grows and grows.
There was never a girl. I hallucinated it.
"Get out of my head!" I scream with tears streaming down my face. "Get out of my head." The words repeat over and over again.
His phone is laying screen up on the floor instead of the bed. This time the screen lights up and someone else in on the line.
'Hello? Are you there?' The person says. With shaking hands I pick up the phone.
"P-please help, I think I just killed him." Zachary is laying at the other side of the room breathing heavily.
'Who is this?'
"Please help me, call an ambulance." Begging is all I can do.
"Anfisa, calm down, it's okay."
Two soft arms grip my both shoulders from behind. Blood is dripping on my hair dying my blonde shiny hair bright red. The blood streams down to my shoulders, giving me chills all over my body.
This is his blood... This was all my doing.
"How are you still so nice to me, I almost killed you." Slowly I turn to face him, but I can't even look at his face, it's full of blood, cuts, and glass.
"You're bleeding... A lot"
"Anfisa give me the phone." Before I even have the time to hand him the phone he grabs it out of my hands.
"Hey man, everything is okay, no need to worry. You don't have to call anyone." With a firm press on the red button he hangs up the phone. How can he just pretend like I didn't just smash a glass vase on his head?
"We have to get you to the hospital now!" I take off my jacket and bind it tightly around his forehead to stop most of the bleeding.
"I don't need a hospital, I'm a doctor myself I can just stitch this up and be done, I'll be fine. Just worry about yourself and your mental well-being." My mental well-being. Hearing him say this out loud is quite triggering for me. The words repeat in my mind. Mental health, I am officially a mental health patient.
"Am I crazy?" I can't believe it myself that these words just came out of my mouth.
"No you are not crazy Anfisa, just not in the right mindset with everything what happened to you." Meanwhile I can see the blood is bleeding through my soft jacket. The jacket that used to be my favorite. Now I couldn't care less about it, as long as Zachary is fine.
"Please you need the stitches now, you could bleed out."
"You do it then."
"Me?" I look at him like he just grew two extra heads. "Are you crazy? I'm not even a doctor. It could get infected. Please just let me take you to the hospital." Zach rolls his eyes obviously.
"Fine, but I'm not staying longer for more tests." A sigh of relieve rolls over my lips.

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