Chapter Nine

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"Guys, this is Anfisa, a girl I met a while ago." Zachary introduces me to his friends. All the eyes are facing me, making me slightly nervous. I've always been a complete introvert.
"Hi." I mumble awkwardly.
"Hey, you have such a familiar face." A girl walks up to me from the back with a large smile across her face. "I'm Aurora." Aurora, the name keeps repeating in my mind. I'm pretty sure that's one of the prettiest words I have ever heard.
"I'm Anfisa." The rest of the friends laugh as I introduce myself for a second time. Warmth spread across my cheeks.
Ryan can't seem to take his eyes off me, which doesn't seem to be unnoticed by Zach. The expression on his face looks tense.
"Do you like to go out usually?" Aurora asks, making some small talk.
"I'm pretty much an introvert. And after my fiancé died..." I pause, never have I said before that he died to anyone. "Well, I haven't been in the mood to hang out, until Zach asked me out." She squeals like a little kid just getting her first Barbie. It really feels like we have been friends for years, at that exact moment. She pulls softly on his jacket, making him face us.
"He asked you out hm? Since when do you date Zachary Wixx? I thought you were always too busy with your career. Being a doctor and owning your business at the same time is so hard on you, you barely have time to even eat or sleep. How do you have time for dating?" The fact that Aurora just mentioned Zach having his own business doesn't slip my mind. But the fact that he didn't tell me probably means he isn't ready to talk about it. Maybe the business isn't going well for all I know. Zach turns back around to talk to some other friends. He has a lot to catch up on, hearing how much he talks.
"Ladies, what are we kibbling about?" A voice speaks, it's not mine or Aurora's. Ryan... He has done nothing to me yet, but he still scares the hell out of me.
Slowly Ryan moves a bit closer to me, leaning in, hoping to make eye contact with me, which I briefly deny.
The expression on Aurora's face changes as soon as Ryan jumps into the conversation.
"Talking about boys are we?" A dirty smirk is visible on his face. He leans back against the wall behind him, a deep sigh leaving his body. "Nice dress, beautiful." My eyes lit up in an instant, that was definitely a flirt. As he turns to face me, I calmly take a step back. "It totally suits your body..." The way he gazes over my body makes me feel deeply uncomfortable.
"Look Ryan, piss off, she didn't ask you anything, she is out with your best friend, leave her alone. Go make out with your girlfriend or something." Just by her saying this I can tell we will be good friends later on.
"I already did," He scoffs arrogantly. "Anfisa, if you don't mind, can we speak in private?" My body and mind both scream no. But my curiosity screams 'hell yes.' There is a long moment of silence between us before I answer him. 'Sure.' I say, pulling my dress down a bit.
I make sure not to walk away too far from Zach, but he seems too busy to even notice that I'm walking away.
"Darling..." He starts.
"Don't call me that." I immediately interrupt.
"No need to give me an attitude. His arm wraps around my lower back pulling me in slowly. I try to release myself from him, but the grip it too firmly.
"How long have you been with Zachary?" My cheeks glow red, never have I been good at telling lies. Thank God it's a bit darker inside.
"Three months." I slap my hand against my head, that was the stupidest answer ever.
"Three months? Ever thought in those three months you picked the wrong person? I mean look at you." A mesmerizing look glances over my entire body. "You are beautiful, and you are with someone like Zachary." The words he says are totally wrong. Zach is a handsome guy. He's tall, has a bit of muscles and he's a doctor. The perfect picture of a loving husband to most girls.
"Why would you say that?" I say, trying not to sound offended.
"You can also be with someone like me. I actually have you something to offer."
I scoff and say, "Like what?"
"I guess you will have to find out." A warm breath catches on my neck, sending shivers down my spine, his arm still firmly wrapped around my waist.
My gaze goes from Ryan to Zach. Who isn't in the same spot anymore.
"Where is he?" I mumble under my breath, sounding slightly annoyed. My eyes scan the rest of the room, looking for something to hit Ryan with. Not to give him pain, but enough pain to get his hands off me. When my eyes go back to Ryan's face another set of eyes are visible beside him. Green shiny eyes, eyes I would recognize out of thousands.
"Ryan Emolds." The face full of confidence turns into a face full of fear. Slowly he turns around to stare right into the green eyes of Zach.
The tight grip he held over my body for several minutes is suddenly gone. Leaving me to fall with my back against the bar. I suck in a rush of air in the pain of the moment.
"You okay?" He asks, giving me a quick glance. I nod, I'm way too shocked to use my voice right now. "Ryan, please follow me, I have some business to discuss."
"As you wish boss." Boss... That word sticks with me.

My blood starts to boil once I'm alone with him. He knows we are together or at least getting together, and the way he looks at her, and touches her. I'm absolutely not the jealous type, but this makes my blood boil red. Surely above fifty degrees right now.
"What the fuck was that supposed to mean? That's my girl!" With my arm, I knock everything off the desk, not that there was much on the desk. Just a pencil and some paper. "And you are failing my company! And you are stealing the girl I like? Gosh, you are a great best friend!" Angrily I run my hands through my hair, over my neck. Attempting to keep my temper. "I hired you, so you could make my company better! Not so you can fuck the whole thing up asshole!"
If murder was legal, he would've been dead before I dragged him into this room.
"How can I trust you again after all these things? Why shouldn't I fire you, why shouldn't I...." Hundreds of words fly out of my mouth before I know it. "I'm going to fucking kill you." My arms dropped to the side of my body in complete defeat. Before all the rage boils up again.
As soon as I bring up my hand to slap him hard across his face, he flinches. Pussy. He does stuff like this and expects there to be no consequences. My hand doesn't hit his cheek yet, he isn't worth any of this attention. Slightly I inhale the deepest breath trying to calm myself down.
"Afraid to slap me?" A daring tone in his voice says. That's it. My cheeks grow red out of rage. No longer do I hold back.
The collar of his shirt ends up in my hand, and Ryan is firmly pressed against the wall. His eyes squeezed shut. Pussy. I keep repeating to myself. You are a pussy! I don't know how I suddenly ended up so close to him.
"Listen here you little shit." My mouth moves to his ear. "You picked the wrong person to fuck with. I have known you for seven whole years, I am not afraid to hit him." I whisper in his ear, trying to sound as confident as I can be, my heart racing in my throat. So hard it must be visible to the naked eye.
The way his lips are tightly pressed together is slowly disappearing into a stupid grin, making me completely lose it. My hand bawls into a fist as I place it right against his jaw. A loud groan leaves his body. The groan of pain. It will teach him.
"If you ever come near to her again I won't be so gentle next time."
A little red spot catches my eye. It's something on my hand, blood. Not my blood. His face is bleeding. I wasn't as gentle as I thought I was. I let anger get the best of me, for the first time in such a long time. My body fills with guilt instead of anger.
"You are worth nothing."
A soft gasping sound fills the quiet room, it's not mine or Ryan's voice. The voice sounds female, a familiar female voice.
Please don't let it be Anfisa.
As luck would have it, I turn around to see the pale white face is Anfisa Diamond.
"Fuck." I mutter under my breath. Ryan still laying on the ground not moving. He doesn't seem to be passed out, just enjoying the show that is about to come.
She looks scared, I don't blame her

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