Chapter Eleven

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Stumbling against the bar I take my second shot in a row. Trying to process what crazy shit just happened to me. was just about to take another shot when I feel a girl pulling on my arm.
"Hey girl, I know you came in with Zachary a few hours ago, do you have any idea where he went?" With envious eyes, I stare her up and down. She's beautiful, the beautiful girl Zach remembered when we just walked in. The girl that reminded me of the sun and darkness at the same time.
"I don't give a fuck."
"Damn, what did he do?" I raise an eyebrow, she doesn't even know me and is so interested.
"Why are you looking for him anyway?" My eyes speak full of jealousy, as much as I try to not show it.
"Oh girl, you don't have to worry about your man, I am a lesbian." Relief washes over me, but why? Why do I care so much about the man who just tried to kill his best friend in front of my eyes?
"He's not my man." I don't know why I felt the sudden need to tell her that, she probably doesn't even care.
"What?!" Because of the loud music our voices are barely hearable.
"Come! We'll go to a place quieter."
"So, what's going on between you two, you sound pissed off at him." She says as soon as we reach the doors of the bathroom.
"Who are you?" The bathroom doors swing open and we walk in at the same time.
"Zorya, a friend of Zachary. Well, I think we're friends, today is the third time we met." She laughs, she has the most beautiful laugh I've ever seen with a woman. The smile suits her, not her face, her body language. She leans against the sink.
"I'm Anfisa, not Zachary's girlfriend. I saw him hit his best friend tonight."
She sucks in a huge rush of air. "Doesn't sound too good, is he okay?"
"He's fine, I just don't understand why he hit him."
Loud footsteps approach. Within seconds they get louder and louder.
"Anfisa?" The door of the bathroom we are standing in swings open. In the door opening is a face I've never seen before. "Anfisa?" He asks, in the same tone, he asked before. I give him a slow steady nod.
"Get out of the women's bathroom you pervert!" Zorya screams at him. Her voice echoing loudly through all of the stalls.
"Some guy is looking for you, I believe his name is Zachary."
God, is he holding a search party for me or something?
After I ran out of the room without listening to his shitty explanation, he didn't bother to run after me. And now he's looking for me?
"Tell him he doesn't owe me an explanation and he can fight whomever he wants."
Behind the poor guy just looking for me appears another set of eyes.
A sigh rolls over my lips.
"So don't want to talk to me anymore hm? Couldn't say that straight to me?" Zachary crosses his arms over his chest, leaning in the door opening. He's staring straight into the women's bathroom.
"I am really not in the mood to talk to you right now." A pause. "Ben, Zorya please go." Like obedient puppies, they follow his order.
"You can't just boss everyone around."
"Listen Anfisa, if you don't even give me a chance to explain we're going to have a problem." He says, stepping closer and closer to me. Not giving a single care in the world that he is currently in the women's bathroom.
I have no idea how he suddenly ended up so extremely close to me. His minty fresh breath falls on my cheeks, making my eyes slightly tear up. Too fresh.
"Ryan used to be one of my best mates, he thinks he still is, but honestly, I wish he was dead." The words he says don't match his tone.
"Then kill him, like you probably planned to." Silence fills the room.
"I thought you said I can fight whomever I want." A deep sigh rolls over my lips as I walk past him.
He doesn't stop me.
He probably learned that I won't listen to him.
"Walking away from your problems is not the solution Anfisa." Zachary says, at last, lowering his hands to his hips.
Grabbing my purse, I leave this stupid party, not even bothering to grab my jacket. I should've never come here, to begin with, not without Dalton to keep me company.
Meeting Zachary was a fucking mistake.
The December cold shivers down my spine, I've never been a fan of the cold.
I dive through the bushes, making sure no one sees me leaving, making sure Zachary doesn't see me leave. He will think I'm still at the party.
I slide my hands into my pocket, making sure they stay warm. A shadow is visible a few feet away, at the place where I am planning to go. Right in the middle of the park. The park where Christmas lights are hanging everywhere. The lights that made my entire night when I was with Dalton, those lights break me deep inside. I stop right in my tracks when the shadow moves closer.
"Hello?" I greet it, hoping he will go away if he realizes I'm not the person he's looking for. He doesn't. My arms are tightly crossed over my body, trying to keep myself warm and protected.
The Christmas lights light up his bright face, his pale face, his eyes. My eyes.
"Dad." It's him again. "Why are you following me, dad? What do you want from me I'm not mom." I say calmly, while my heart is pounding straight out of my chest.
His lips are sealed tightly together.
"But you're my daughter." Suddenly he is way too close to me. My body is frozen in shock to even move a single inch.
"I thought you were gone forever."
"I'm not, here I am, and I'll be here with you forever." With a fast move, meant he runs behind me when I turn he is no longer there.
"Baby..." The voice sounds known, the voice I've missed for so long.
"Dalton?" I ask before turning around. His beautiful dark eyes meet mine.
"I'm so sorry for leaving you Anfisa." Two warm arms pull me in and my head rests against his warm chest. A large smile from one side to the other is visible on my face. "How are you alive? I thought you were brain-dead."
"What are you talking about Annie?" Annie... No one calls me that. The voice changes in an instant.
"Dad?!" Breathing heavily I push myself far away from him. Next to my dad is standing Dalton. Heavily I shake my head. "No, no, no, you are both dead."
This can't be happening.
A heavy feeling washes over me as tears drop down my face. I blink multiple times in a row, trying to wash away the headache I get from seeing them both together. My dad doesn't even know Dalton exists, I tried to hide him as best as I could.
The freeze that has been put on my body releases slowly. As soon as it does I run away, as hard as I can. Nothing is visible in my path, thanks to the tears in my eyes. I shouldn't be scared of Dalton, I know he will protect me, but something feels off.
The walk from them to a safe place seems to be extended by at least a hundred miles.
A sudden log appears in front of my legs, it's too late to step over it. My foot gets stuck right under the log. Holding out my hands in front of me. Quickly my hands reach the floor at first. An intense feeling of pain passes through my feet all the way to my hands. The pain turns into a black fog, taking up my full vision.
"What is going on?...'" That is the last thing I remember saying out loud.

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