Chapter Eighteen

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23 December 2021
Dear Satan,
today is the first day back at work since... Right I haven't written about that yet. Something happened between me and Anfisa. Which send me into the hospital and her in the mental hospital. Not important for now. My cuts are still healing which doesn't look too pleasing.
Tomorrow it's Christmas eve, Anfisa suggested we'd spent Christmas together since she isn't on speaking terms with her family, and her fiancé passed. I don't really celebrate it, but if it means a lot to her then what's the harm? My sister and parents will be fine celebrating with the three of them this year.

"Doctor Wixx? Your break is over, we are short-staffed today, I would prefer if you would come back to work right now. We have a lot of patients from a car crash coming in." I shove the last piece of lunch in my mouth and put on my jacket to go back to work.
"Chase Diamond, a three-year-old boy with mild head wounds, spine clear! Doctor Wixx he's yours, room six please!"
With my hands on the side of the bed, I roll him in one of the rooms with the number six on the glass door.
"On three lay him in the bed. One... Two... Three..." With a couple nurses we switch the little boy to one of the hospital beds.
"Marian Diamond, forty-nine years old, heavy trauma to head, and abdomen, doctor Davids please take over." My eyes light up by hearing that name. Like I just found the solution to a million-dollar question.
"Chase can you hear me? What's your last name buddy?" I ask just to make sure he's conscious enough to ask him more questions.
"D-Diamond, where is mommy?" My hand feels his head to make sure he doesn't have a high fever.
"Sent him for a head CT, I will be right back." I run out of the room while changing gloves.
In the room, next door the mother of the three-year-old boy is laying. Marian Diamond. Maybe her face would make me recognize her more but there is barely anything to her face anymore. Only blood.
"Grey Diamonds, fifty-three..." The rest of the sentence is a huge blur to me. Another Diamond, this has to be Anfisa's family.
What could they be doing in town?
"Doctor Wixx! Focus please! Room two now!"
With disbelief, I shake my head. I know that I am not allowed to turn down any patients but I can't cure him. Not knowing all the things he did to her. I will kill the bastard myself.
"Doctor Walsh, please take over. Zachary with me now." My heart beats so fast it might beat out of my chest soon. She is the person that could get me fired, an action like this could get me fired.
"What the hell? You were supposed to help the poor man! You left him to bleed o..."
"Poor man?" Her saying poor man was the last drip in the bucket full of emotions. "He is an awful human being!"
"I don't give a fuck who he is! If he was the leader of the entire world, you treat everyone the same! That's the rule." Visions of him laying hands on Anfisa go through my mind. Now that I've seen his face I can imagine how he looked like while he hit his wife or even his own daughters.
With one sweep I throw everything laying on the desk on the floor.
Her eyes are speaking enough words. Fired.
"Do not play this game with me right now doctor Wixx! You're going home right now and I don't want to see you back until you can control your own emotions." Doctor Ashville points angrily with her finger as she yells.
There are hundreds of words I want to throw at her right now, but if I want to keep my job it's smarter to keep my mouth shut. Without even bothering to collect clothes out of my locker I rush out of the hospital. The fresh air comes in through my nose and spreads through my lungs, giving me the peace I need.


Sleeping last night was a challenge, it was impossible to keep my mind off all the flashbacks.
I wrote all the million questions down in my Satan diary my therapist told me to keep. My anger management therapist thought I didn't need to go anymore. After last night I have a different view on this.
Today it's Christmas and I'm about to visit Anfisa, but before I have to see how her family is doing, especially her mother and the brother I didn't know she had.
Doctor Ashville won't be too happy to see me, so I put on a hoodie and hat to hide my identity as much as I can.

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