XLIV❥❥❥ Ep17-The world is out to get me

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Exam seasons in Gardenia Academy is insane. Andrew wished he went to normal non-magic academy that just handed test papers and graded them. Not an extra prestigious mandatory magical academy for nobles that had a complicated way of grading students. See, they don't just have to fry their brains passing the written exams, they had to do the practical one as well.

It's... not like anyone died during first year finals week okay? The graduating seniors were probably exaggerating that students die during finals week. Especially during first year finals.

The thing is, you are as ready as you are today. It was annoying. It was just announced that they will have a final exam, but no clue as to what will happen next. The bell tower rang, then woosh, first years were transported to a dungeon.

So that's why the higher years go crazy when they hear the bell tower ring after the magical announcement of a practical exam. They either: grab their magical items, run to the cafeteria to grab as much food as possible, or hold on to their best friends for dear life.

Emphasis on the last part.

Because before the warp, he was talking to (arguing) with) Angel Chapelle, then Clara appeared with a mischievous smile on her face.

[ Party: Angel Chapelle, Andrew Skotadi & Clara Skotadi
Magic Cores: 0
Mission: Survival
Location: Labyrinth Dungeon]

In front of him, a bright blue screen blinked.

Andrew was so sure that whoever was making this team matchups, they were out there to make his life a living hell. He thought he was already unlucky when he got grouped with ever so bossy Elena Margavine previously, but perhaps life had to get worse before it got better. He was actually alright with the warp last time since Luka Noir and his twin showed up, and their presence actually mellowed down Elena's personality. Plus, he found out that he got along quite well with those twins.

That was until the second warp. Now he was walking behind Clara Evil Skotadi and Angel Annoying Chapelle. It was bad enough that he doesn't get along with them. It got worse because those two get along really well.

"Claaara! I'm so lucky you're here!" Angel cried waterfall tears as she hugged her friend, and Clara was grinning weirdly. She doesn't smile like that normally in high society functions. Only privately and that means his doom.

"I'm happy you're here too Angel, but I think you're the luckiest since Andrew is here too." Clara looked back at him. Now that he mentions it, he was annoying Angel, then Clara appeared before the warp. That's why they're together right now.

Angel furrowed her eyebrows, and made a face that looks more monkey and less angel. When Clara turned back to her, she was back to her normal expression. That two-faced monkey!

"My brother is really strong you know," Clara linked her arms with the both of them, walking between them. "It would be a breeze since my really strong little bro will carry us through this dungeon."

Angel rolled her eyes. "Yeaah. Sure Clara."

"Plus! My brother's really handsome and super rich too!" She began... marketing him! He knew it, he had a bad feeling about this!

Duke Skotadi wants him to be engaged, as per custom in the high ranking families. Clara wholeheartedly supports him with an unbreakable will, and is determined to engage him to a woman of high standing as well. Maybe it's just old blood values, but Clara is insistent he gets engaged and married to a good woman as if her life depended on it.

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