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@Kayla.B - wi ma girls 😝 @nellarosee @adeolapatronne @Bri_C 

liked by Chunkz, Fredo, Adeolapatronne and 955k others

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"Ouuu Adz leng guy checking you out" Bri says excitedly but quietly trying not to make it bait. Adeola slowly turns around to see this tall guy with toned abs, black slick hair. "He checking you out still" Adeola says to Kayla and she raises her eyebrow and turns around and immediately stands up and screams in excitement and walks over to him, leaving the girls confused and lost except from Bri who explains.

"Aiden what you doing here?" She says as she hugs him and he hugs her back. "Hey funny seeing you here eh?" He says and she smiles, "I'm with the girls" she says to him and he nods his head towards these group of guys and says, "and I'm with my boys" and Kayla chuckles. "I'll see you later i need to go back to the boys just came to say hi" he says and Kayla nods as she goes back to the girls who are now smirking and making fun of her. "Shut up" Kayla says rolling her eyes.

The girls were just chilling on the sand sun bathing. "Damn someone is having a hard time" Adeola says in a quite rude tone. "Who?" the girls ask and she shows her screen:

 "Who?" the girls ask and she shows her screen:

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It was Cee's story. Oh boy, does Kayla feel guilty and shocked. He doesn't drink, he's not about that life, he hates drinking everyone who knows him knows that. Bri looked at Kayla to see her looking down at the sand thinking about what she's done.

"That can't be right, he don't drink" Brianna says speechless and seems rather disappointed in her brother. "Bri babe, your brother is clearly depressed" Adeola says and then Kayla says to try and make her feel better, "He's probably just going through some hard things, probably a one time thing, surely he isn't drinking all of that you know what he's like" Kayla says and Bri nods. Nella speaks up, "guys let's go for a swim" she says and they all say ok and just before we about to go Adeola calls out, "wait, let's have a race to the water!" She exclaims and the girls cheer and they race. It was at least a two minute run to the water.

Kayla comes first, then Nella, then Bri and then Adeola. "wooo!" Kayla screams excitedly and all the girls jump on her and attack her, playfully of course. They're all there lying on the sand, really close to the water which then, in seconds, the water waves splash on all of them making them scream. "The water's so cold" Bri exclaims and they all jump up really fast and laugh as they run in the water and adjust to the temperature of the water quite quickly. It was seconds till Nella thought it'll be fun to splash them and there were alot of screams and squeals and laughter going on as they all had fun.

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