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They arrive at the house and they knock on the door and within minutes, the door opens and they are greeted by their mum.

Their mum looks at the two siblings on her doorstep and instantly smiles and gushes Kayla into a huge warming hug

"Oh Kayla darling! Glad you came tonight hun" she exclaims excitedly smothering her with kisses all over her face. "Hey mum I missed you too" she says smiling hugely.

They pull away from their long hug and she greets Marvin hugging him and then they both enter the house.

As usual, they both take off their coats and hang it up on the hooks. They enter the living room and their dad is sat on the sofa he sees them enter and he stands up to greet the two. "Oh Kayla honey!" He says excitedly and engulfs her into a huge hug. She missed him so much, she immediately hugged him back.

"Hey dad" she says as they part from the hug. "I missed you sweetie" he says and Kayla smiles, "miss you too dad" she says being genuine.

He greets Marvin by dapping him up and Marvin and Kayla sit on the sofa opposite to where Mike usually sits.

Mike got up and asks what drinks they'd like. "I'll have a coke please" Kayla says and he nods knowing that that's what she was going to say, always drinking coke. "And I'll have the same" Marvin says and they receive their drinks and he sits back down with his drink and they all talk about what's happening.

"And you Kayla, how's work?" Shayla asks. "Oh it's going well, I'm really enjoying it" she says smiling. Kayla began to speak passionately about her job for a good twenty minutes putting a smile on her parents face; proud of who Kayla has become.

Kayla feels like it's gotten normal again with her family and all, how it used to be: nice and calm with no drama. She is just worried that the Cee bomb might drop.

The bell from the oven dings and Shayla gets up to check on the roast. Kayla also gets up to help her mother in the kitchen.

As Kayla cuts salad and puts it in the bowl, Shayla is dishing up the food onto plates. "So Kayla..." he mum says and Kayla hums in response, "hmm?" She says and her mother asks, "so how is Oakley doing?" She asks sounding really genuine. Kayla sighs, "muuuum" she whines as she puts knife down onto the table.

"I'm just asking a question hon" she says and Kayla nods. "He's doing well, he's actually working on a new album right now" Kayla says smiling thinking about him. Shayla can see how happy Kayla is with Cee and she respects that. "Oh that's nice" Shayla says smiling and Kayla nods, "yeah".

"Why did dad act like that that day?" Kayla asks. "You know what he's like Kay, he's just looking out for you and is very over protective over you and that will never change" Shayla responds and Kayla can understand what she is trying to say.

"He knows that you love him and he loves you and he respects that, and wants to make sure that you are happy and he just wants what is best for you all the time" Shayla adds. Kayla smiles, "yeah I understand" she says quietly as she continues to cut up the salad. "Are you done with the salad yet?" She asks Kayla and Kayla nods, "yeah one sec" she says cutting up the last piece of cucumber and tossing it into the bowl.

Dinner is now set up in the dining room and Shayla calls the boys over to eat. Marvin and Mike are sat on the table within a minute. They are always hungry and first on the table ready to dig in. The girls just shake their heads at them and place the tray of food onto table and sit on the table with them.

They all put their food in their own plates and the random conversations begin.

Kayla was listening to her dad talk about how her mum is always complaining that he never buys the groceries and when he did she complained that he didn't buy tissues and he defended himself by telling her that it wasn't on the list.

"Oh dad, you should know better than to not follow the list, mum never does!" Kayla says laughing as she plunged the girl into the chicken and puts it in her mouth. "Yeah but how am I meant to know she wanted tissue, I'm not a psychic" Mike says playfully rolls his eyes and they all roll their eyes and laugh at how silly they're acting.

After eating the delicious meal that was prepared by their mother, Kayla and Marvin both insisted on clearing up the table and cleaning the kitchen. 

After they washed up they went back to the living room to be met with their parents sat on the sofa having the tv on pause.

They were waiting for Marvin and Kayla to finish cleaning up the kitchen so they can watch a movie together. They sit down on the sofa where there is space for them in between their mum and dad; kayla next to their dad and the other side is Marvin and then next to him is their mum.

halfway through the movie kayla's phone pinged twice. she had forgotten to put her phone on silent. Unknowingly, her dad had peeked at her phone to see who is messaging her.

Kayla too decided to ignore the message until her dad had spoken. "Hmm i see you and Cench aren't together no more" he says slightly smirking. Kayla furrows her eyebrows and says with confusion, "no we are still tog-" she stopped whne she read the messages and saw who it was from.

i had fun chatting with you today
hope we can do it again sometime??

oh hi
yh soon

kayla did not feel like entertaining their conversation any longer, especially when she knows her boyfriend will flip if she finds out about this.

Kayla sighs as she puts her phone down and focuses on the tv when her phone goes off again.

"i swear down" she grunts under her breath, frustrated. Her dad notices and says, "i didn't know you were talking to Jude Bellingham?" he asks and kayla shakes her head, "nah not really he just joined my insta live and we were talking and stuff" an 'oh' look appeared on her dad's face and he then says, "what does cench think about that?" he asks. kayla knows exactly what he's trying to say. he's trying to prove that he's not good enough for her and never will be.

"no not really" she lied. "he trusts me completely and i trust him too" she says, that part being the truth. although he had a go at her, she knows that he does trust her, he's just a little insecure sometimes.

Her dad just nods and half smiles at her. Kayla turned to her dad completely, "look dad i know you've got a problem with oakley and stuff but i don't understand why you haven't even spoken to him in ages-" she got cut off by her dad speaking fast, "you should invite him over next friday" he says kayla looks at him like he is stupid. "Dad I- what?!?" she exclaims in confusion.

Even Marvin and their mum are confused and shocked. "you said I haven't met him in a while it's true I want to see for myself what's he like, if he's good enough for you" he says. Kayla scoffs, "dad I don't think that's the best idea right now" she says and he shakes his head. "why not?" he questions and Kayla couldn't be bothered to argue anymore, he is actually trying to understand Kayla and she should respect that. "Ok fine, we'll be here next week" Kayla says with a fake smile. "Good" her dad says and smiles at her and they continue to watch the rest of the movie that was still playing in the background.

authors note:
it's been a while i know sorryyyy
but hey imma try and be more active
please vote and comment love you all ❤️

ALSO GUYSSSS shall i make jude and kayla closer just for fun??

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