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"Therapy ain't bad after all..."

It's been a week since the drunken incident and Cee has been at Tay's house still feeling like shit. Kayla and Cee have barely been seeing each other but she is purposely trying to avoid him because she hates seeing him like this. She has failed avoiding him though, she face times and texts him a lot. She hates having to see him try and get better, she wants to be there for him she really does but she thought she can handle it but she can't.

Kayla has recently been smoking weed quite often due to stress and worrying about Cee but she isn't addicted to it or anything. It's just been hard for her to not worry about Cee. She has been going to work and been working on a new brand for her job which is stressing her out a lot but it's going well for her.

Today is her chill day and she decided to spend this day with her boyfriend. She wanted to see him today because they have missed each other and both have learned that they may have separation anxiety.

It's been a few hours since Kayla has been with Cee and right now she is just making lunch for him because she felt like it and wanted to.

"Mmm I smell my favourite" Cee says smiling coming from the recording booth that was in the basement just below the kitchen. "I hope it tastes as good as it smells" Kayla says and Cee chuckles, "It'll taste amazing regardless" he says and Kayla smiles as she turns the gas off and grabs two plates from the cupboard and dishes the food onto the plates.

"I'm a sick cook" Kayla says hyping herself up and Cee smirks replying with, "it's Aight" he says and Kayla raises her eyebrows, "shut the fuck up you know you love it" she says with sass rolling her eyes. "Don't roll your eyes at me" he says kissing his teeth at her and she sticks her middle finger up at him and he shakes his head stabbing the noddles with his fork and swirling it onto the fork and shoved the noodles in his mouth staring at Kayla with cheek.

"Oi!" Tay shouts coming through the front door as Kayla and Cee are in the middle of eating lunch. "In here!" Cee shouts out and Tay follows his voice to find the two sitting at the dinner table eating. "Sup?" Cee asks. "Booked you an appointment for half two so hurry up you best go now" and Cee and Kayla look at him confused. "For what?" He asks still puzzled. "Therapy" Tay simply says and Kayla makes an 'ohhh' face as Cee shakes his head, "I don't need to go", he says kissing his teeth. "Cee" Kayla says tilting her head. "I don't need a fucking shrimp that is just gunna fucking stare at me, I ain't about that shit" Cee says slumping in his chair pushing his food away, suddenly lost his appetite. "Shut the fuck up and stop being childish Kayla's taking ya" he says before leaving to his room. Cee groans as he gets up and carelessly throws the plates in the sink, "OAKLEY!" She shouts because she got startled, "my bad" he mumbled under his breath.

"Where you going?" Kayla asks him and he says "to piss innit" he says rudely and Kayla rolls her eyes at him as she watches him walk away. "Oaks hurry the fuck up" Kayla shouts out from the bottom of the stairs. "Chill I'm coming!" He shouts back rushing down the stairs.

They get in the car and Kayla drives to the place.

"Babe they won't let me be with you you know?" Kayla says looking down at their hands intertwined, Cee is holding her hand tight as they are in the waiting room, it's obvious that he's nervous. He hates opening up and he especially hates talking to randomers about his personal shit. "I don't care yeah you are, you promised" he says holding her back on their conversation last week. "You're the one who actually booked the appointment innit?" He says looking disappointed and Kayla slowly nods her head, "It's good for you!" She exclaims. Just as Cee was about to say something, a woman called his name out and Kayla raises her hand, "here" she says and Cee looks at her and quickly grabs her hand down but the therapist has seen her already. "I don't wanna go" he says loud. "Babe don't make a scene" Kayla says lowering her voice as she notices a lot of people staring at them. "Fuck off man" he says to the therapist, "OAKLEY" Kayla shouts at him angrily as if he's a little child. "I'm sorry doc" Kayla says apologising to her and asks to speak to her in private.

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