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"Don't shut me out in the dark"

It's been a week since the cute couple have started dating and they can not seem to get enough of each other.

"Mmm no what you doing?" He moans as Cee watches his girlfriend put back on her clothes whilst he's lying in bed half asleep. "I've got to go babe" she says as she puts her bra back on. Cee sits up and hugs Kayla from behind and kisses her bare shoulder. "Do you have to?" He asks softly. Kayla sadly nods, "I'm sorry but I'll see you tonight" she says and she gets up and leaves the house. Kayla has got a meeting today. Today is her first day at the job, she has joined this make up company where she will pitch her own ideas into the meeting. She was seen on TikTok and Instagram and was invited to join the company. She is excited for the meeting but nervous; she's afraid they might dislike her ideas.

Anyways, she pulled up to this huge building where she has to go to the fourth floor. She knocks on the door and a man calls out, "come in" he speaks and Kayla pushes the handle down and walks in and closes the door behind her.

"Hello sir, I am Kayla Bailey" she says shyly but loud enough for him ti hear and he smiles, "ah yes Miss Kayla, Hi I am Matthew but you can call me Matt, please take a seat" he says pointing at the end of the table opposite him and Kayla sits down.

After a while of Kayla and the man talking about why Kayla is perfect for the job, he has confirmed that she is fit for the job and she can start next week. "Oh thank you so much, you do not understand how much this means to me" Kayla smiles hugely as she shakes his hand. Kayla is extremely excited to start working in her office that he had shown her earlier on. He showed her a tour of the building and how things are done here and Kayla was processing as much information as she could about how things work around here and so far, it's going well, she understands how equipment works here and how they are used. Matt also has said that Kayla gets to follow someone professional around before she starts so she can see what they do and what they're like.

After about three or four hours of chatting with Matthew, the interview was finally over and Kayla was free to leave. She is craving Tacos for lunch so she decided to go Taco Bell and ordered to take out and she went home. As she went home she sighed as she could see that the wrecked up Range Rover was still outside her house. She called up some guys the other day to repair it for her but they still haven't come yet and so she decided to ring them up again.

"Hey it's me Kayla, remember me?" She said coldly and the guy sighs really loudly. "You said you'd come two days ago and guess what I don't see you anywhere?" She says getting vexed. "I told you I'm busy at the moment" he says and Kayla replies, "busy? This is literally your mother fucking job!" She raises her voice a little. "Jeez relax man I'll come in a bit I swear" he says through the phone and Kayla then says, "good you better" and he sighs, "yeah yeah" and he hangs up. Kayla just looks at Cee's car and sighs before going inside to eat lunch.

Cee said that he'd get his car repaired soon but not just yet and Kayla wants to surprise him and get it repaired for him and so she called up those guys to repair it for her but she believes that they ain't going to come just like last time.

Finally, the guy has taken the car to the garage and is going to get it fixed.

After a while of watching Netflix she decided to link with the girls since it's been a week since they've seen each other and have a lot of catching up to do.

"But yeah it's actually crazy how they've just broken up like they've only been together for less than a week" Adeola says snickering. "Adeola maybe it's your turn to go out with him" Kayla says smirking and she throws a pillow at Kayla making her squeal. Just then, Nella gasps really loud pointing at Kayla's neck and now everyone is looking at Kayla and Adeola says, "omggg what the fuck! Kayla where the fuck did you get that necklace from?" She asks excitedly and Kayla all of a sudden turns red and glances at Brianna quickly looking away. "Omg! Kayla speak! Oh my wait..." Adeola says pausing for a second to think about it.

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