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"The perfect date..."

"OAKLEY!" Brianna shouts out for Cee and he shouts back, "What!" He says coming out his room. "Give me Kayla's keys I'm going over to hers right now" Bri says to him and he shakes his head, "no I need to go somewhere in abit innit" he says kissing his teeth. The truth was he wanted to give her car back to Kayla himself and Brianna could tell straight away. "Ok you SIMP" she says emphasising the last Alrr and sticking her tongue out at him and Cee rolls his eyes and tell her to, "shut the fuck up and leave" he says slightly chuckling. "I know you love her!" She shouts out, giggling and then leaving out grouch the door. "OI" he screams out and he runs down and opens the door and calls out for Bri and asks her, "Is that's what she said?" And Brianna furrows her eyebrows. "I missed so much yesterday" Bri says and Cee gasps, "oh you going over there so she can tell you everything?" He asks and Bri nods "yes and you're wasting my time" she says. "You better tell me what she says about me" he says seriously and Bri rolls her eyes "bye simp" she says before driving off in her Audi and Cee just chuckles and couldn't stop smiling as he went inside.

After like fifteen minutes Brianna finally arrived at Kayla's and she went inside and they sat in her room and she tells her to spill the beans.

"Omg I can't believe it!! You guys kissed!" She says excitedly. "What's gunna happen now?" She asks Kayla and Kayla frowns, "I don't know to be honest, I hope something happens between us but I want an actual relationship with him not just something that is a one time thing you know what I mean?" Kayla says confiding in Bri and Bri nods her head showing that she's actively listening. "Yeah I get you, but I can tell you one thing, he's absolutely crazy about you, I know he for sure wants something more than just a kiss" she says and Kayla smiles, Bri knows her brother the best and Kayla believes that she is right but she just doesn't want to believe it. Maybe because she is just scared to be in a relationship.

"I know what you're thinking Brianna, but it happens sometimes, you won't know till you at least try" Brianna says to her sympathetically and Kayla smiles at her and playfully gives her a dirty look, "but Hy do you want us to be together so badly?" She asks and Brianna smirks and giggles, "because you two are just perfect for each other" and Bri half smiles as she daydreams.

The word, perfect hits her mind; nothing is perfect, no one is perfect, there isn't one thing that is perfect it may seem perfect but it isn't perfect at all. Kayla is always skeptical about an awful a lot of things and sometimes it's not good for her to be in this sort of mindset. When she thinks about this sort of stuff, she over thinks it too much and it gets too much for her and she has a mental breakdown, so she tried her best not to go there right now and she shook it off and she and Bri just talked and gossiped about others.

"Let's go out for lunch" Bri says and Kayla smiles before replying, "sure! Let's go out" she says and they both go out to KFC's in Brianna's car. As Bri was driving Kay and Bri make small conversation; "so you excited for tonight?" Bri asks knowing that Cee is taking her out and Kayla tries to hide her face as she blushes crazily. "More or less nervous I guess" she says. "It's been ages since we've been together and it's happening all of a sudden but I'm glad it's happening in a way though" Kayla says unsure about how to feel. "You really like him don't ya?" Brianna asks teasing her because she already knows the answer to her question and Kayla nods quickly and Brianna laughs. "Shut up!" Kayla whines. "But I wonder where he's taking me" Kayla sighs. "He always does this, he always says it's a surprise and shit, which is rather inconsiderate of him cuz I am always having trouble with choosing what to wear!" She says in distress and Bri just sighs and shakes her head, "girl it's just Cee it don't matter, just wear whatever you want, you have great style no matter what, you make everything work!" Bri says hyping Kayla up and she just sighs, "I know but I need to know where we are going, but his stubborn ass won't tell me where the fuck we going!" "Just relax babe, knowing him he's probably will take you out to a fancy restaurant, he does that all the time" Bri says and Kayla rolls her eyes. "Great, now I have to find a fancy ass dress to wear" and Bri shakes her head, "no you don't just wear that cute outfit you bought the other day, you look stunning in that" Bri says and Kayla thinks about it and smiles to herself as she nods, "I do look good in that I can't lie" she says and Brianna laughs, "yeah you do girl!" She hyped and they both just giggle.

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