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"I think I like you..."

It's the morning of a terrible hangover for Central Cee. He opened his eyes when this sharp pain hit him in the head making him groan and whine in agony. It took moments to realise that he wasn't in his house, he tried recalling things what happened last night, but nothing, all he remembered was that he couldn't handle his shit anymore and so he drank wrecklessly. Wait, Hold up!? If he isn't at his home then where is he? He looks around to notice that he is on a sofa. He sits up and he could feel more pain, "oh for fucks sakes!" he screams as he digs his face back into the pillow. He lied there for about ten minutes trying to think about where he is and what he did last night. He shut his eyes and remembered little bits of last night.

He was at a party making out with some random hoe and fucked her and then he ran out the party crying. Crying? Why was he crying? As he tries to remember why he was upset he got startled when a voice called out, "oh good you're awake!" Kayla says smiling. Cee sots up immediately trying his best to ignore the pain he feels and looks at Kayla confused and lost. "Kayla?" He asks with confusion plastered all over his face. "Here's some aspirin for your hangover" she says as she hands it over to him with a glass of water and he takes it, "thanks" he says.

She sits down on the sofa opposite him and watches him. Cee was so puzzled by the fact that Kayla is actually smiling at his presence because she is usually giving him the cold look nowadays but it was nice, it felt nice for him. He enjoyed it.

"Soooo..?" Cee says dragging on the 'so'. "Why am I here?" He asks. "I don't know really, I was hoping you'd tell me that" she says innocently. "Oh fuck, I did something really stupid didn't I?" He says rolling his eyes, "you see this is why I hate alcohol, I hate everything about it!" He complains. "So why did you do it?" She asks and he pauses for a second to think about it. "Ohhh" he says in realisation he smiles hugely. He hasn't remembered anything but this is his chance to talk to her more normally without screaming in eachother's faces. "You remember?" She asks and he nods, "yeah but not really, fill in the gaps?" He asks her. She sighs, "fine tell me what you remember" she says.

"Ok well, I remember I went to this party right and then I-" he pauses for a second to think about whether he should say what he did before continuing , "partied" he did and Kayla snorted, "party?" She snickered. He didn't know what else to say. "Yes?" He says cringing. "You fucked hoes ok then..?" She says casually and he looked embarrassed but Kayla didn't care for it. "That's all I remember" he says scratching the back of his head. "Well, I come home around half 11 and I see you passed out on my doorstep" Kayla says trying her best not to laugh, because now that she thinks about it, it was quite funny. "Oh shit really? I'm sorry" he says. "Nah it's fine, you worried Bri though" she says and his eyes widen, "shit! Brianna!" He exclaims. "She's fine don't worry" she says back and he relaxes. "You said some um pretty deep stuff last night" Kayla says quietly, unsure whether she should say. "Oh?" He says wanting to know. "It uh doesn't matter" she says looking away from him. She tries to change the subject by telling him, "you reek of alcohol, you should take a shower" she says and he gives her dirty look, "I do not stink oh-" he says sniffing the inside of his t shirt. They both chuckle and stare into each other's eyes. It was like they couldn't break the eye contact. Cee breaks the eye contact by saying, "right yeah, you don't mind?" He asks and Kayla nods "mhmm no, you know where the bathroom is" she says and he gives a smile whilst getting up heading upstairs but he pops his head down and says, "um towels?" He asks and she says "oh in my room in the drawer next to the big mirror" he nods and goes upstairs.

Kayla was just sat there, confused about her feelings, no idea how to feel about what was going on. She just stared at her fingers on her lap thinking about Cee, she can't get him off her mind.

Meanwhile, as the cold water hit Cee's face, he felt relaxed and chilled, he pulled his head back and took a deep breath and that's when all the memories from last night came flooding back. He opens his eyes wide as anything and shouts, "oh shit!" He exclaims without knowing Kayla was in her room who came out and knocked on the door, "is everything alright?" She asks and he shouts out, "uh yeah just got soap in my eye" he lies. He finishes showering and switches the shower off and dries himself off. He slips on the tracking bottoms that Kayla had given him to wear because his stank.

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