CHAPTER 14: Night thoughts.

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Get in a car with him?

I look around nervously and hesitate before replying,"Sure." I say ,entering the car.

He nods at me "How's practice?" he asks the faint sound of Heart shaped box by Nirvana in the background.

"Great but tiring," I state as I take off my scrunchie and put it in the armrest console because my head is killing me from how tight my ponytail was.

We spend the next few minutes in absolute silence.

He hums quietly to the song and a small smile graces my face then he closes the radio when we reach the driveway of my house.

His voice, surprisingly, isn't very bad.

"You have a nice voice." I compliment, smiling at him.

He laughs, his cheeks growing a little pink "Thanks." he says, staring deeply into my eyes.

I break eye contact and gulp."Thanks for the ride, goodbye."I say gratefully, waving at him as I leave the car and walk up the driveway. I look back at him seeing him still staring at me. He gives me a small wave and then leaves.

I run up the stairs and go to my room once I enter I switch on my Bluetooth speaker and connect my phone putting it on shuffle.

I shower, change my clothes, shut off my Bluetooth speaker, and go downstairs for dinner. As I reach the last step, I smell pizza.

'My favorite' I think to myself.

Going to the kitchen, I notice Alice cooking.

"Hey Alice, how are you doing?" I ask her.

"I'm doing fine, honey. What about you?" She smiles at me and then goes back to cooking.

"I'm doing great but a little hungry," I respond smiling sheepishly, she laughs.

"Dinner's almost ready!" she grins "I'll call you when it's done."

"Okay, thanks." I say leaving the kitchen.

A few minutes later, Alice calls out that dinner is ready and I rush over to the kitchen.

I go grab a Dr.Pepper from the fridge and sit back down when she places the pizza on the table.

I almost drool.

"Thank you, it looks delicious."I grin excitedly.

"Your welcome, honey. It's my job after all, If you need anything call me."

She walks away.

I don't respond since my mouth is stuffed with food.

This is what I need pizza and Dr.Pepper.

Asher's POV:- (SURPRISE!!)

I leave Novah's driveway with a smile on my face.

With a still wide smile on my face, I reach my house as I'm about to get out of the car, something blue catches my eyes. It's Novah's blue hair tie she took off.

Taking the hair tie from the armrest console, I hold it in my hand and I can smell a faint scent of lavender coming from it.

I grin as I place it on my wrist and enter my house.

As I enter I see my mom drinking in the living room while watching tv, I ignore her and run up to my room.

Opening the door and kicking my shoes off, I throw myself on the bed and sigh.

I close my eyes and just as I'm nodding off, my door creaks open and I open one eye to seeing Toby at the door.

"Hi, Ashy." he greets in his baby voice walking towards me and laying next to me.

"Hi, Toby."I  greet back tiredly letting him next to me.


I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing.

Groggily, I accept the call.

"Hello?" I question as the brightness is too harsh on my sleepy eyes.

"Hi, it's me Novah."

"Oh, hey." I greet with confusion.

She chuckles awkwardly "Umm.. sorry if I'm bothering you but I think I left my scrunchie in your car can you give it to me tomorrow?" She tells me.

As I check my hand, I'm still wearing the scrunchie.

I take it off and put it on the desk, careful not to lose it.

'Umm, shit I don't want to give it back.'

"Yeah, no you didn't wake me up. I don't think I saw a scrunchie but I'll check for you" I tell her, lying through my teeth.

"Oh, I'm sure I left it there but please check and text me if you find it." She says.

"Okay, I'll check for you."

"Okay, thank you.Bye."She hangs up as I grin to myself.

I then decide to not be an asshole and after a few minutes text her that I found it.

She responds with thanks for finding it.

I then go to the bathroom to freshen up and take a shower. I leave the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my waist.

Checking on Toby, I see he's still sleeping.

I change into black sweatpants and a grey hoodie.

Just as I throw my hoodie on, my phone pings.

I grab it and see that it's the boys wanting to hang, I accept and grab my shoes to put them on.

I kiss Toby's head and leave the room to Elijah's house since his is the biggest and has the best setup.

I spend the night drinking sodas, eating pizza, and playing video games.

ScarfaceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora