CHAPTER 4- Weird people.

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"Teacher, can I sit right there? This bitch behind me is cutting my hair "No, just sit your ass down at the chalkboard and stare" I faked up a seizure and left outta there"-Nurses office, Melanie Martinez.

--------------ČƤŦƦ 4---------------

Leaning against the wall outside chemistry lab, a red head girl with glasses holding her books close to her chest, approaches me.

"Hey, you must be new here." She starts.

"Yeah, It's my first day here."

"That's why you look foreign to me. I'm Stacey Patterson." She says, extending her hand out to me with a warm smile on her face.

Shaking her hand, I smile back "I'm Novah White."

"So, Novah White. What brings you to this torturous, hideous, old school?" She asks, leaning on the wall beside me.

I shrug, "My dad and I moved here two years ago, and this is the only school in town, so I didn't have much of a choice."

"Two years ago? This is a really small town. How come I never saw you around?"

"I don't leave the house that much. I only leave when I go on a walk in the morning. My neighborhoods gates is how far I've been in this town."

I don't know why I'm sharing a lot of information to someone I just met. My dad would kill me if heard me right now, but talking to Stacey made me feel so comfortable, I don't want to shut up.

"Where do you live?"

Her question caught me off gourd. I don't know if I should tell her or if it's too soon. but I answered her anyways, "Oak Hills."

She nods her head, "so you're from the rich side of the town. That explains it. If I were you I wouldn't leave the house either."

A boy cuts her off wrapping his arm around her shoulder, "Good morning freckles." He greets her. "Who's this?"

"Good morning, doofus. This is my new friend, Novah White." She points at me. "Novah, this is my best friend Caleb Harde."

I extend my hand out to him, and he shakes it. "Nice to meet you."

"So, Ms. Doris still hasn't arrived yet?" Caleb asks.

"Yup, she's never on time." Stacey shakes her head. As if on cue, the teacher arrives. Seven. Minutes. Late. What's up with teachers in this school?

"Oh, Sorry for making you guys wait." She says almost hurriedly. She's holding her purse, files and papers in a mess between her arms.

One file slips out of her hand and to the floor, making her almost slip over it if a kid hasn't reached out and held her.

"Whoa! that was close." She breathes and chuckles while everyone looks at her like she's a crazy woman.

"Every day is a circus performance with this teacher." Caleb shakes his head.

Finally unlocking the door, everyone rushes inside taking a seat and saving one for their friends.

A hand grabbed my arm pulling me into the lab, "You're sitting next to me." Stacey states.

Taking the third workstation next to the window Caleb approaches us, "What? So you're ditching me now that you have a new friend?" He pouts, arms crossed over his chest.

Stacey rolls her eyes, "Caleb I've been your lab partner since kindergarten. I think it's time to find a new one."

"Look," she continues pointing her head towards the workstation in front of us "Amber has no one. Go sit with her. I mean... she's been drooling over you since freshman year."

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