CHAPTER 15: Bad mood.

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—————-🄲🄷🄰🄿🅃🄴🅁 15——————

—Tuesday morning.

Novah's POV:-

I wake up late and tired as hell and in a lousy mood.

I do my morning routine and take a shower without washing my hair since I washed it last night.

I change into my outfit.

Tying my hair into a bun, I then grab my white shoes and put them on.

I put on some gold necklaces and grab my phone, backpack, and headphones.

I go downstairs and skip breakfast since I'm already late and go outside to find Caleb honking the horn like a maniac.

"Oh my god, calm down," I tell him, grinning.

He raises an eyebrow," Calm down? There's ten minutes until school starts, hurry the hell up."


"We're on time, thank god," Caleb says as we enter the school.

"We'll I'm not surprised with you driving like that, I thought I was gonna die," I tell him cheekily.

He rolls his eyes," Did I get here in time or not?"

Laughing, I run to my locker shove my backpack in and grab my English books.

I walk to class feeling drained.

I could barely sleep last night as I had a nightmare about my abusers and kidnappers.

Opening the door to class, I see that a few people are missing and Asher is one of them. I take my seat near the back of the class and put my books on the desk so I can lay my head on top of them.

Closing my eyes, I ignore the voices around me and sleep in peace.

When the teacher walks in, I sit up and open my eyes so I won't get in trouble.


I turn my head but still no sign of Asher.


Classes were shit since I was exhausted and nearly slept through all my classes but I get through them quietly.

I head straight to our table and sit since I'm not hungry.

Caleb and Stacey are already sitting there so I join them quietly.

"Hey Novah, why were you late this morning?" Stacey asks curiously

"I overslept," I reply.

"And she nearly made me late with her," He rolls his eyes dramatically, "Where's your food?" Caleb questions, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Not hungry," I state, laying my head on the uncomfortable table.

"Are you okay?" Caleb asks worriedly.

I look up opening my eyes, seeing him and Stacey sharing a look.

"Fine just tired, slept late."I close my eyes again.

"Why? Did you have nightmares or something?"

Tears prick my eyes at the word nightmare. I squeeze my eyes shut tighter.

"I'm going to get some fresh air."I stand up and leave.

I exit the school and go to the football field.

Sitting on the nearest bench, I close my eyes and let the tears flow freely.

Hearing footsteps behind me, I quickly wipe my tears and stand up.

"I'm fine Stacey, I'm just tired- oh," I say as I see Asher.

"Asher? What are you doing here?" I ask suspiciously.

I sit back down after a few minutes of him not responding.

"Why were you crying?" He questions, concern shining in his eyes

I open my mouth about to lie when he beats me to it.

"Don't give some bullshit excuse, I know you were crying." He states, joining me on the bench.

I stay quiet and see something blue.

"Is that my scrunchie? Why are you wearing it?" I ask taking his hand mine and there it is my blue scrunchie.

The sight makes me smile a little.

"I was going to give it to you and I got you to smile."He winks "Mission accomplished."

He takes it off and hands it to me.

I push his hand away "Keep it if you like it I have like ten of the same color." I say, grinning.

He chuckles "Okay."

He puts it back on his wrist.

"Where were you during class?"

I'm curious as to where he was.

"Why? Missed me?" He teases me as I scoff."I won't tell you unless you tell me why you were crying." He shrugs, looking at me.

I look away from him "I don't know. I guess I'm just tired and also I had a really bad dream," I confess, not facing him."I know I'm acting like a baby but it just shook me up since I haven't had nightmares in a while."I state finally having the guts to look him in the eye.

"It's okay, everyone has nightmares once in a while. You don't have to feel ashamed." he says smiling at me warmly."Whenever Toby has a nightmare, I hug him and he feels so much better."He smirks," Want a hug?"

I stay silent, blushing, then speak up, "No, thank you but thanks for listening, I'm going back inside."I tell him, standing up.

I walk back to school feeling better. I guess talking to someone about it helped.

"YOU!!!" A screeching voice screams from behind me.

'God not her' I think to myself, groaning in my head.

"Yeah? What do you need, Queen Bitchrice?" I reply ,then gasp in realization as I slap my hand over my mouth.

"What did you just call me?" She screeches sounding like a brat."Anyways, I don't care. You leave my Asher alone, do you understand? He's mine. Just because he wears your scrunchie doesn't mean anything." She spits out, glaring at me.

"How did you know it was mine?" I ask shocked.

"You wore it to practice I remember. " she responds in her annoying ass voice "Just back off and leave my man alone or else you'll regret it." She glares.

"Ok, whatever he's yours," I say disinterested, and leave.

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