CHAPTER 5- Unagi.

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"Now don't go wasting my precious time. Get your act together we could be just fine" -Wannabe, Spice Girls.

—————¢нαρтєя 5—————

Algebra was a nightmare. Asher kept annoying me the whole lesson. Asking for a pen when he's holding one. Throwing crumpled paper balls over his shoulder at me. Leaning his chair against my table, and shaking my table while I'm writing. but the nightmare finally ended when the bell rang.

Throwing my backpack over my shoulder, I scurry out the door.

"Wait! Pretty face!" He calls.

I roll my eyes, "don't call me that!" I tell him over my shoulder as I fasten my footsteps trying to get as far away from him as possible. But of course, he catches up...

Grabbing my upper arm, he asks. "What do you have next?"

"I don't know." I say nonchalantly, taking his hand off of me and continue walking.

"Yes you do." He presses.

"No I don't."

"Yes you do."

"No I don't."

"Then where are you heading?" He asks.

"I don't know."

"Oh come on! Why are you giving me terse responses?!" He asks frustrated.

I stop in my tracks, "oh I don't know? Maybe because you wouldn't stop bugging me in Algebra class?!" I raise my voice at the last part.

"I wasn't bugging you?!" He says, astonished.

"Yes you were!"

"No I wasn'- okay, okay. fine." He takes a deep breath, fixing his hair and straightening his posture, "What subject do you have next?" He asks more calmly and innocently.

I look him dead in the eye and chuckle, shaking my head. And to think he was about to let it go.

"Spanish." I finally tell him.

He pouts looking at his schedule, "we're not sharing a class."

"And thank god for that." I tell him and start walking towards Spanish class.

"You're bitchy!" He shouts after me.

"And you're an ass!" I call over my shoulder.


School has finally ended. It's been the longest, most tiring day of my life. I can't wait to go back home and have a nice few minutes of sleep.

Right now I'm walking with Stacey and Caleb to Stacey's locker so she could take some of her books home.

Leaning against the locker next to Staceys, she asks me, "do you want us to drop you off?"

"Oh no thanks, my driver is picking me up."

"Wow. We're friends with a millionaire." Caleb shakes his head dramatically, looking up at the ceiling dreamily.

I chuckle and Stacey closes her locker looking at me apologetically, "he could be such a drama queen sometimes." she states.

"I've noticed." I chuckle.

"No I don't!" Caleb disagrees, narrowing his eyes at Stacey.

"Yeah sure, whatever helps you sleep at night." Stacey pats his shoulder.

We then start walking towards the school exit.

Once we're out Stacey engulfs me in a hug, catching me off go "I had a really great time with you, Novah."

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