CHAPTER 6- Stop staring.

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"You got my heart now, why won't you stop now?"-Shot down, Khalid.

-----------ՇɧԹρԵȝՐ 6-------------

"Stacey, you have no idea of how annoying he can be. If he saw me, then I'm doomed. Let's just leave before he catches us." I whisper to Stacey.

We're currently hiding behind the clothing rack so that Asher doesn't catch us.

"Novah are you insane?!" Stacey whisper-yells at me. "This shop has the best outfits in this entire mall, and its on sale! You want us to miss this offer?!"

"We can come back tomorrow when it's not his shift." I tell her.

She looks over my shoulder at the sale sign, "But today is the last day..." she pouts. "Look. He's not even looking in our way, he's busy flirting with that girl. We can get everything we want and he won't even notice." She says.

I look back over the rack and sure enough, he's flirting with a girl. Their laughter can be heard from the other side of the store.

How many girlfriends does this guy have?!

I shake my head "I don't care Stacy, I'm not risking it." I tell her.

"Please, please, please with a cherry on top." She says, making puppy dog eyes.

"Fine." I huff as I cross my arms over my chest.

She claps excitedly, "Good. Now come on, let find some cute outfits." Stacey tells me, standing up and extending a hand for me. I take it and we start looking around the shop, trying to stay as far away from where Asher is as possible.

He's still distracted with that girl, not paying attention to who's coming out and into the shop. Like, someone can shoplift right next to him and he won't even notice.

He'd be busy staring into different girls breasts, like he's doing right now. How come he's not fired yet? Where the hell is the manager?

"Novah! Novs!" Stacey snaps her fingers in front of my face.

I blink turning my attention back to her and off of Asher. "Yeah?"

"Were you even listing to me?!" She asks frustrated.

"Now I am." I smile sheepishly at her.

She rolls her eyes. "Look, this is the dress I was talking to you about." She lifts a short, satin, V-neck spaghetti strap, purple dress. "You should definitely try it!"

"Stacey, I can't wear this dress anywhere. It looks like a Homecoming dress." I tell her.

"So? You can wear a 'Homecoming dress' to occasions other than Homecoming." She mimics. "You can even wear it to a normal high school party." She says.

"This is way too dressy for a high school party." I shake my head.

She grunts, "I swear if you try it on, you'll change your mind."

"I won't." I tell her.

"Yes you will. Look, it's for only 30 dollars."

"I don't care about how much it costs."

"Of course you don't. Now go try it on, or I'll buy it for you."

Just as we were arguing about the dress, shouts make me look behind me in panic.

"Stacey!! Novah!!" Caleb shouts as I smack my head repeatedly.

I glare at Caleb and make a shh gesture.

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