Good times pt 2

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Nyy's POV

"Hey ma'am." I hear a deep voice from behind me slowly approach me. I look up and see this tall dread head with a hat on that he turned backwards. He sat down next to me.

"Hey." "What's your name?" He asked putting his hand out with a huge smile on his face. "My name Nyy." "Nyy? That's a pretty name I like that." He said nodding his head. "Thank you what's your's?" I said looking up at him (he's taller than Nyy) "My name Duke. Uh Duke Dennis." "Ok Mr.Duke" He smiled. "You got a nice ass smile." I said looking at his lips and up at his eyes again. "Appreciate it." He said smiling wider. "Aye you wanna get a drink?" He asked pointing his head towards the cooler by the grill. "Sure." I said.

He put his hand out for me to grab and I stood up. We walked over to the grill and got Hennessy and he poured it for me. I looked around for Kai but he was at the pool talking to some girls. "Wassgood." I heard a soothing voice in my ear and soft hands on my shoulder slide down to my elbows. I looked up and it was Fanum. I giggled and we made eye contact as he went over to Duke.

"Yooo big dropp." He said dapping him up. He seems like he's always smiling. They hit each others backs and hold it for a minute and talk under there breathe. Fanums smile got bigger, "Nah not yet I'm working on it." He said moving back.

"Oh okayy I see youu." Duke said dapping Fanum up again. Somebody caught Duke's eye and he watched her walk past. She signaled him to come over. Duke couldn't get his eyes off her. "Aye I'll- I'll talk to you later." He said letting go of Fanums hand and jogging towards the girl.

Fanum laughed looking at waleed and then looked at me. "What you drinking, mama?" He asked tilting his head up and pointing his chin towards my cup. "Henny." I smiled taking another sip. "By yoself?" "Yes I'm a big girl." I rolled my eyes. Fanum chuckled. " Lemme join you." He said pouring himself a cup.


Me and Fanum have been talking for about an hour. We had like 3 drinks and I'm liking him so far. At least 8 people came up to him telling him how good he looked while we we're together. I put my hair up and got into the pool. He looked at me and rolled his eyes. "Come in the water." I said splashing him a little. "On bro you willin if you think I'm about to get into that water." He laughed. "Come onn." I whined.

He sighed, finished his drink, and got into the pool. As he slid in he grabbed my waist,moving me onto the wall of the pool, I gasped. He put his shoulder's underwater almost going into it. "Chill." He said looking up at me. "I am chill." I said laughing. "No you not. You gotta trust me aight?" He said moving me away from the wall.

I let go putting my arms behind his neck and my legs around his waist and he held mine. "Fanum. Fanum. Fanum." I said fast looking around. "See, you good." He said in a soft comforting tone. I smiled looking down at him as he dipped me in and out of the water.

Three parts is so wild broo
Word count: 570
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