Trackstar Antelope Volume 10

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Chapter 76: Recounting my Luck

The rest of the afternoon slowly shifted by, until the bell rang. I didn't realise that I spent the entire period just lying in the sick bay bed until the bell rang. I just spent so long thinking about my life. Since I decided to become an herbivore athlete, I've had so many questions and worries that I've had to solve for myself. Like, how am I supposed to get strong enough to be a good racer? Or what would the other carnivores think of me becoming an athlete.

This town is so different to the rest of the world. A town where carnivores and herbivores really live together with no quarrels or division is something rare, especially in Australia. I am aware that towns like Durranga and Lavalla are much more divided, yet still manage to properly function. I wonder how... do carnivores rule over the city, and the herbivores are fine with being underneath them?

I jump out of the seat to go out to the schoolyard, and I open the door to see Mr. Jarman, carrying my books. That's right; he was going to bring them to me.

"Hi Jamel, I have your books here. And, I also have an email from Mr. Harris. He says that you can't forget about your training tonight." He says.

Oh, that's right, the "strength and conditioning" training. I wonder how that will go for me, especially considering that Coach Harris wants me to train like a carnivore. I guess it will be a good time to also take what Mrs. Patricks said on board, and act stronger and more courageous, like in the cheetah dream. I just wonder what everyone else will think of the whole "Jamel the Carnivore" title.

I got off lucky from being framed into that magazine. I should consider myself lucky I wasn't harmed from any of them. But I definitely know now that I can't trust anyone with giving out information. Hopefully everyone will forgive me, especially considering that most carnivores don't usually hold grudges... but this is different...

I move through the school yard, and make my way to my locker, hoping that I don't see Riley along the way. Things are so awkward now, because of the bite. My hand still feels a bit sore, and the marks have bruised up now, and I should count myself lucky he didn't bite down into my skin, and get a taste of my blood.

I've never met a carnivore who's tasted blood before, but I've heard that it works like a drug for carnivores. Apparently, it's a high that can't be comprehended or explained to an herbivore. It makes a carnivore stronger and numbs any physical or mental pain that they may have, as well as quenches their blood thirst. My biggest fear was that Riley was going to bite down hard, and taste my blood, descending him into a chaotic madman, unable to be stopped by me or Mr. Jarman.

I just hope I never have to meet anyone like that in my entire life.

I'm sure the entire school would be talking about how an herbivore's best friend would turn on him, without even thinking about it. The carnivore students would be talking about how it could happen to any of their own herbivore peers, and the herbivores would talk about the fear of being attacked by anyone they know.

I can't believe that it was Riley and I that started this whole thing. Soon, there will be a division between the school, and more herbivores will be hurt because of me. After an event like that happening in your Friday History class, how could anyone NOT spread that to their friends?

I wouldn't be surprised if that Mr. Matthews lodged a complaint with the government, and created a big news scandal that completely rips the entire country apart; dividing us between the herbivores and carnivores, and it's apparent which one would win a war... or am I just overthinking things?

"Hey Jamel, how've you been?" I hear Dom say from behind me. My mind tells me to jump, but my body is stuck in place. Of all carnivores to be scared of, it shouldn't be Dom. Especially after that time when I insulted him after I tripped over. But he's just so big, and he towers right over me.

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