Fake Fever Ain't That Bad | Peter Parker & Steve Rogers

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A/N: This was requested by VampireQueen666 on AO3. Enjoy this cute little one shot!

Summary: The Avengers hate getting sick because Steve turns full on mother mode and takes care of them. Peter wants to see it for himself.

Timeline: None.

Pairing: None.
Warnings: None.


'Oh come on, sure it's not that bad!', was what Peter had commented on the statement that whenever one of the Avengers were sick, Steve would grow overprotective like a mother would.

He was wrong though. So, so extremely wrong cause it indeed was that bad....

Since Peter had no intention of going to school that morning, he decided to play sick to 1) prove his point, and 2) be able to skip PE, but that's when the drama started.

He had walked into the living room, coughing and looking extra pale to make sure everyone including Steve knew he couldn't go to school, before making himself scrambled eggs, but Steve was having none of it.

He sent the boy back to bed without his eggs and came in with what smelled like vomit soup and a thermometer to take his temperature.

"Turn over, Peter. We need to know if you're having a fever."

"Are you serious? Just feel my forehead or put it under my armpit or tongue." He protested, definitely not wanting his temperature taken through his butt, but Steve insisted on it being more accurate and so Peter had to follow what he said.

It was embarrassing as hell, but that wasn't even the worst part.

The soup was.

Peter had no idea what the hell was in that bowl of trash, but it smelled and tasted like rotten eggs and chicken and it took him a solid hour to finish in front of Steve.

Steve couldn't understand why Peter didn't like it though.

It was one of his old military recipes which he and Bucky always used if they had a fever coming up so it was normal to them, but for people who were used to normal food it was the grossest soup ever.

"He even gave me a cold plunge before bedtime! And that's why I will never ever be sick around Captain America ever again." Peter shook his head, still in disbelief, as he explained what happened the day prior.

"Wow." Ned and MJ laughed. "You got mothered by Steve Rogers dude!"

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