Chapter 1

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Growing up children are taught that monsters do not exist, magic is not real, and love at first sight only exists in movies and fairy tales. They are taught to believe that vampires, witches, warlocks, and reincarnations are myths and a thing of legend. Yet they are led to believe that Santa Claus, the Easter bunny, the tooth fairy and angels, and demons are real. But as they get older, very few people get the privilege to know the real truth. The truth is that monsters and magic are real, and if you happen to meet someone in your life who has either, then your life will be forever changed.

Working one morning at the local library Gabrielle caught sight of him. He was the most perfect man she had ever seen. In the blink of an eye, he was gone. So, she was sure she was daydreaming. Even so, she knew she would never forget his face.

Pushing his face into the back of her mind she continued her work. The day slowly passed on as she stocked the shelves and checked in the books. Finally, it was one o'clock and she could leave. Feeling slightly hungry and seeing the day was beautiful, she decided to walk the five blocks to the nearest burger joint instead of waiting 45 minutes for the next bus to come.

Upon entering the restaurant, she gets a chill run up her spine and an anxious feeling about her, almost like she was being watched. Ignoring it, she orders her food and stares out the window beside her without paying attention to her surroundings. She is startled when she looks back to find a man sitting at her table silently watching her. Even more shocking she realizes that he is the man she had caught a glimpse of at the library.

Before she could say a word, he looked straight into her eyes and asked "Do you believe in magic?"

With her heart beating fast, she simply replies "no".

Upon hearing this, he held out his hand as if to shake hers and said: "Let me show you true magic".

With her body frozen and her mind hypnotized by this man's chocolate eyes, she was unable to control herself. She did not realize she had taken his hand until it was too late.

The moment their hands met; it was as if a thousand volts of electricity shot through her. In that instant, she knew she had known this man in another lifetime, and that their souls were tied together. He let her hand go and said to her,

"As you have seen, we have known and loved each other for hundreds of years. You might not believe me now, but we are bound together for eternity."

He took a pen from his pocket and proceeded to write something on her napkin, stood up and said, "I know it is a lot to take in but when you are ready to know me again and know your destiny, just call my name and I'll be there. He hands her the napkin and leaves.

That night, while lying in her bed, he was all she could think about. She had memorized his face. His deep chocolate eyes and perfect ebony skin was burned into her memory. His wavy raven hair was cut short, and he stood 6'7. With his image in her head, she drifts off to sleep only to dream of a past life.

Britain 1902

Her name was Sister Morgana and she lived at the convent in Cornwall. Morgana's mother left her there when she was only 3 days old with an oath that Morgana would never leave the convent unless they sent her on a mission for her Lord.

Going on twenty-one Morgana had only seen the city of Cornwall twice. Once when she was seven, and again at sixteen. She was ordered to assist elderly nuns who were feeding and ministering to the less fortunate. Finally, she had come to the age where she was to be sent on a mission on her own to the city of Somerset. For one year she would have to reside at another abbey. But during the day she would teach and feed the poor, and try to save souls. While her true mission was to recruit and bring back at least one girl child to be raised at the convent.

She did not bring much, just the clothes on her back and enough food and water for her journey. She had traveled all day when she finally arrived. She was greeted, given fruit, bread, and water and was told that the Mother Superior would see her as soon as she was done eating. A little while later she found herself in her office. Where her new Mother greeted her and blessed her.

"Child," she said "tomorrow you will have a day of fasting and prayer before going out into the city and starting your mission. Every morning you will be given a donkey packed with enough bread and water to feed the hungry. You will teach whom you feed and when you have run out, you will return and help prepare bread for your next day. Every seventh day you will stay here, fast and pray. At the end of a year, you must have a child to be raised here. If at the end of your year you have not succeeded you will go to another city for another year until you have succeeded in your mission."

"As God wills it, so shall it be Mother" was all she said.

"Then go with God and be blessed, my daughter."

The next day she never left her room, she just opened her window and knelt down while she held her cross that hung around her neck and prayed that Mary would guide her on the right path and help her help someone turn from their heathen ways and save their souls. All day she stayed there until she heard the bells ringing for the last time that night. She went to bed and silently prayed one last time, for at dawn she would begin her spiritual mission.

That morning she ate some fruit, drank some water, and started on her journey. She walked for what seemed like an hour before she came to the town square. There she saw four small children wearing ragged clothes and begging for scraps. She offered them each a loaf of bread and a cup of water. In exchange, they would sit and listen to what she had to say. She asked them their names but only one would answer. He looked to be the oldest around fifteen years of age.

"I am John, my brothers are called Randolph and Michael, and my sister is Angela."

"Well John," she said, "I am called Sister Morgana. Each day I will come here and bring food and water should you ever find yourself hungry and without food. But every seventh day of the week I will not come."

"What is so special about the seventh-day sister?"

"Well," she said, "on the seventh day God rested from making creation and mankind. He commands that we do the same."

She then proceeded to tell them all about how the world was made and how God provides for his children in time of need. By the time she was done telling the story, she had given out all the bread and water. She told the children to be blessed as she packed up the cups she had brought and left.

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