Chapter 19

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Gabrielle kept tossing and turning trying to get comfortable. But sleep just wouldn't find her. The things she learned while in the spell kept running through her head. The truth laid heavy on her mind and heart. She blamed herself for the death of her family, at the same time she worried about her Granny. She knew Penny was a fighter but she also knew she was keeping something from her. Whatever Penny was hiding Gabrielle hoped that she had a good reason.

"Knock, knock." James said as he knocked softly on the door frame.

"What time is it?"

"3 a.m."

"Is everything alright?" Gabrielle asked with concern in her voice.

"I should be asking you that."

"I am fine."

"Just because you have the lights off doesn't mean I can't see your red ears or hear your heart beating a little faster when you lie to me."

"I just can't get comfortable, that's all."

"That is a memory foam mattress that allows you to adjust the setting to what your body needs. Would you like to try that again?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"I might not be able to read your mind anymore, but I can feel when something is wrong."

"I just got a lot on my mind."

"This wouldn't have anything to do with what we learned today, would it?"

She just looked at him in silence.

"You can't let that bother you."

"How can I not? My father was killed because I wasn't there and he wouldn't give up my location, and my mother was poisoned because she was pregnant with me." Tears had begun to form in the corner of her eyes, "Now she is being used as a puppet by the same witch that killed her to try and kill me since she didn't succeed the first time."

"This isn't your fault. Lillith is the evil one not you."

"According to her I am."

"You have not killed anyone, she has. You didn't ask to have an ancient soul occupy your body. So, she should try and save you, not kill you."

"No, I didn't ask for another soul to inhabit my body, at least me, Gabrielle didn't. But Hannah did."

"You are Hannah, so how did you do it without you doing it?"

"I am NOT Hannah." Gabrielle said sternly. "I am Gabrielle. Hannah takes up space, basically she rents a room inside my mind. I was born Gabrielle. Shortly after I was born Hannah's spirit appeared and took root inside me. Hannah chose this body for a reason."

"How do you know this?"

"Hannah told me."


"After she gave me all her memories."

James started to laugh, "I love you baby you had me there for a second."

"I'm not playing around." She said, raising her voice.

"Then why didn't you tell me this, when you learned the truth."

"Because I was scared."

"Scared of what?"

"Of losing you."

"Why would you lose me?"

"You found me and loved me because you thought I was Hannah. I was hoping you would love me for me, before I told you I wasn't Hannah."

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