Chapter 12

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"No, nada, uh-uh, not a chance." James practically yelled his answer. "Do you have any idea what a powerful spell that is? All magic comes at a price, so are you willing to pay the cost of casting it?"

"I have studied that spell and have learned and am willing to pay the price myself. So again, I ask you, will you be willing to help us with this spell?"

"I am sorry, but my answer is still no. There are things in my past that I am just not ready to reveal."

"You mean you do not want Gabrielle to witness first-hand what your "friendship" with Lillith really looked like."

"I don't know what you mean by that Penny."

"You know you start sweating a little and your eyes dilate when you lie."

James didn't say anything, he just sat in his chair silently contemplating what he should do.

"Maybe you should tell her."

"How am I supposed to tell her that, and what makes you think that she will understand."

"Well she is my grandchild and even I understand why you chose not to be a eunuch while you waited for her to come of age."

"Just because you understand doesn't mean she will."

"This spell is something that we need to do. So, you need to tell her. If you won't agree to do the spell you know Gabrielle will do it herself. We both know she is not strong enough without you."

"She is stronger than you think."

"That may be the case, but it is better if she learns it from you, than see, or hear it elsewhere."

"I know, I know." He sat a few minutes silently before he continued. "I'll take her to the waterfront tomorrow and tell her. If she is understanding about everything then I still help with the spell."

"Fair enough."

Ring. Ring.

Gabrielle heard her phone as she got into the shower. Not wanting to track water all over the floor or risk damaging her phone from the water, she ignored it and let it go to voicemail.

Ring. Ring.

Gabrielle ignored her phone yet again.

Ring. Ring.

By this time Gabrielle was annoyed and concerned at the same time. Everyone she knows leaves a voicemail and that she always calls back. The only time anyone ever calls back-to-back is if it is an emergency.

Ring. Ring.

Gabrielle finally gets out of the shower to answer the phone. By the time she reached her phone, it had stopped ringing. Still annoyed she scrolled through her phone to see that James had been the one calling her. Before she could call him back, he called again.

"I hope it isn't, but this better be an emergency," Gabrielle said, not bothering to say hello.

"I just wanted to hear your voice. Does that count?"

"Sweet, but no."

"Then no this is not an emergency."

"You called back-to-back 4 times, made me think something was wrong and got out of my nice hot shower just so you could hear my voice?"


"I am hanging up now."

"Please don't."

"You better be glad I love you."

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