Chapter 14

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"So, did you enjoy yourself?" James asked Gabrielle curiously.

"Of course, I did. When I found out you were taking me to the fair, I would have thrown a temper tantrum if I did not think I would enjoy myself."

"Now that I have to see."

"Oh, you don't think I will?"

"No, not really."

"Try taking me or forcing me to go someplace that I do not want to go. You will see just how bad my temper is." You could hear her snickering if you listened closely.

"Well since I am not in a mood to hear or deal with your temper, why don't you choose where we go next?"

"I love it when you are sarcastic." She stated and continued, "But I thought you had the whole day planned out. What did you have in mind for next?"

"Well I had planned to go see a movie and then hit Tacos, Tacos, Tacos afterward."

"Isn't that the new Mexican Restaurant that just opened up?"

"Yeah. I even made a reservation for 5 o'clock. That is if it is okay with you."

"Sounds great."

"Now do I need to get you saying that on a voice recorder?"

"Why would you need that?"

"For just in case we get there and you throw a temper tantrum and say you didn't want to come."

"Ha-ha, very funny. But I would never do that at a Mexican restaurant. They happen to make my favorite foods."

"When we leave the movies, I just need to swing by the house to get my flask."

"Are you planning on getting drunk?" Or are you planning on ordering alcohol and filling up your flask for later?"

"Neither, it's not for alcohol. It contains blood. It is easier to drink blood from a flask in public than drinking from a blood bag or a random neck."

"Duh, I knew that." She said as she blushed from embarrassment.

"Sure, you did, dear."

"Well you can't expect me to know everything about you. I'm not the one who has been stalking these past few years."

"I was not stalking. I..."

"Was watching safely from a distance." They said in unison and started laughing.

A few minutes later they reached the theater. There was already a line forming.

"Apparently everyone in the city has come to see the same movie we have." James said.

"And what movie were we going to see?"

"Well I was hoping to see White Tiger, or Blazing Guns."

"Never heard of either. So, which of the two is everyone here to see exactly?"

"Looks like White Tiger."

"Then let's see Blazing Guns."

"Are you sure?"

"We are already here, unless you would rather see that kids cartoon movie?"

"Uh, no thanks."

"Two tickets for Blazing Guns." James told the guy in the booth, handing him a twenty-dollar bill."

"Here are your tickets and your change. Y'all can go on in."

"You want a drink, baby?"

"Sure, can you get me a Mtn. Dew while I run to the bathroom?"


James grabbed them each a drink and a large popcorn with extra butter to share and waited for Gabrielle.

Fifteen minutes passed and James started to worry because Gabrielle still had not come from the bathroom. He decided to ask an employer to check on her, only to find her lying unconscious on the floor.

The employees cleared out the bathroom and called an ambulance as James waited by her side.

When no one was looking he swiftly cut a small area on his wrist and let some blood fall between her partly open lips, hoping to heal whatever caused her to be unconscious in the first place. Her eyelids started to flutter open just as the medics walked in. James knew she was getting better but also knew he could find out more at the hospital.

Taking the ambulance with her to the hospital he called Penny to let her know what happened and to meet them there.

It only took 5 minutes to reach the hospital and an additional 10 min to get her in a room, but it seemed like hours to James. Seeing the woman he loved lying unconscious for unknown reasons made him more scared than he had ever been before. Hopefully Penny would be able to do a spell that would work with his blood and help heal her even faster. He hoped and prayed that it wasn't too serious.

Penny arrived shortly after and ran straight for Gabrielle's room. Seeing her grandchild like that made her burst into tears.

"What happened to her?" She managed to choke out asking James.

"I don't know. We were at the movies and she went to the bathroom. When she didn't come out, I sent in an employee who found her unconscious."

"Did you know if she still has on her necklace that I gave her?"

"As far as I know she does."

"Good." She said, "Now I need to coerce the doctors and nurses to stay away from her room after they get done running tests. Also make sure they don't let any visitors come in,"

"Of course. But why exactly am I keeping the staff away if they are trying to help."

"I am going to do a bit of magic, I don't want anyone to see and freak out."

"Do I need to go pick up some supplies?

"All I need is a bit of your blood, her necklace, my mirror, and this book." She said as she pulled out the black spell book with the magical ruby on the front.

"Is that the spell book that cut her?"

"Yes. I don't know why yet. But this book chose her. Hopefully with its help we can figure out what is wrong with her."

"Can I see that?"

"Sure, while you do that, I will get everything ready."

"I have seen this before."

"You have?"

"Yes, I will explain that later. Right now, let's get her healed up."

"Sounds good to me."

"Hopefully this spell will work because my blood doesn't seem like it did the trick."

"Wait a second, you gave her some of your blood to heal her?"


"Then we might not have to do the spell at all."

"Why not?"

"Vampire blood takes a little while to work on witches."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, she should be better within an hour. If not, we can always do the spell.

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