Chapter 3

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Being 214 years old James had learned a few tricks and met a few witches along the way. With having such a short time to find someone that Gabrielle would trust when they tell her they are what they are. He figured the best way to do that was find a witch who owed him a favor and he knew exactly where to go.

It looked like any other dark brick house on the block. It had ivy growing up the walls and flowers in each window. Azalea bushes were on both sides of the door that extended to both ends of the house. Surrounding the yard was a wooden pole fence. In each corner was a statue of a wolf standing on its hind legs looking over the fence as if on guard. At least this is what any human would see if they were walking by or entered the yard. But for someone of the supernatural form, they would see a giant clear bubble-like barrier surrounding the property almost pulsating. The only part of the yard without protection was the cement walkway that leads to the front door.

(Knock, knock)

James heard shuffling and then a click as the door opened an inch, just enough to show a pair of glowing red eyes looking out.

"Lillith, open the door."

"My eyes have gone bad. You must tell me your name, son, if you want access to my house."

"It is James Bleu."

The door shut and he heard as she unhooked several chains on the door. Slowly she opened the door. Standing at 5'6 she wore a silver zip-up robe that matched her long-braided locks.

"My word you have gotten an old woman."

"Do not let the magic fool you, I may look old but do not think you can take me. I can take you down with just the snap of my fingers." She said laughing. "Come on in, we need to catch up. I have not seen you in 5 years."

Stepping through the barrier he no longer saw the old white silver-haired Lillith, but instead saw a brown-haired Lillith who looked to be 30 years old.

"So, what is with the protective barrier? I thought you were the all-powerful Lillith Cox and could take care of yourself."

"It is not a protective barrier. It is an illusion barrier. I am a 102 years old witch but I am not immortal so I still age. I just happen to age slower than humans thanks to a wonderful thing called magic. I have lived in this house for 80 years. Humans started to notice my non-aging. I was afraid of a witch hunt. I am too pretty to be burned alive at the stake. So, I put the barrier up. If a human comes into my yard, they see a 70-year-old woman with feathers and shells in her hair and around her neck. And with the "psychic reading" sign in my window, they just think that I am a crazy old broad.

"But for us with magic in our blood, we see the truth the moment we walk over the threshold."


"So, what would you do if a human walked in here? Put a time-freeze spell or blinding spell on them long enough for you to make yourself look old?"

"Cute, but no; there is a reason the barrier stops in front of my door. If a human passes through it, all magic stays in place. They see what I want humans to see. You, for example, see what is really there."

"So, your guard dogs disguised as statues have nothing to do with anything? You just always wanted pet wolves right." He asked looking out her window.

"Fine if you must know the whole truth the barrier also serves as a threat detector. If you pass through the barrier intending me harm even if you are human or not the wolves will immediately come to my aid. Either they will scare you and make you leave or kill you if you refuse."

Eternal SoulsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora